Good Afternoon Class 1,
Another week down! I cannot believe how quickly this half-term is going!
Excellent attendance again this week, we only just missed out on the top spot at 98%, we did however manage 100% with our reading, well done Class 1!

In maths we have completed our Place Value unit and I must say I was very impressed with our end of unit assessments. Next week, we will start our addition and subtraction unit, we will commence by looking at part-whole models and number bonds to 10.

In English we have started a brand-new book linked to the book; Aliens Love Underpants. The children are loving this book, especially the silly nature of the aliens. So far we have sequenced the story and identified the key events. Next week, we will retell the story using drama and we will start to identify key vocabulary from within the text.

In your child’s book bag I have popped in a copy of this week’s spelling list. Additionally, I have assigned a game on the PurpleMash platform (login details can be found in your child’s reading log). You can also see a copy of this week’s spellings below:
Please ensure that you complete a minimum of 3 reads.
RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
**We didn’t quite get started on number bonds this week, therefore I would like everybody to consolidate their skills in preparation for next week.

Next week in our quick starts we are going to be exploring number bonds to 10. Therefore to help the children to learn this skill, I thought it would be fun to play the number bonds to 10 game on Hit the Button. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
To access this game, please click the green button.

Next, select Make 10 in the Up to 10 section.
Event | Date | Other details |
European Day of Languages | 26.9.24 | Assembly / Class Activities |
World Mental Health Day | 10.10.24 | Assembly / Class Activities |
Parent’s Evening | 15.10.24 | 3pm – 6 pm |
Diwali | 1.11.24 | Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and knowledge of different world faiths) |
Remembrance Day | 11.11.24 | Assembly / Class Activities |
Anti-bullying Week | 11.11.24 | Assembly / Class Activities |
Whole School SEND reviews | 12. 11.24 | Class teachers/ SENCO |
Championing Maths | 18.11.24 | 9.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning. |
Christmas Fair | 6.12.24 | 2.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome. |
Christmas Performances | 10.12.24 | 10.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance |
Christmas Performances | 12.12.24 | 10.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school) |
Christmas Disco | 19.12.24 | 3.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school |
Have a great weekend,
Mr Mallison