Good Afternoon Class 1,
I hope I find you well.
As we move towards the end of the half-term (how can I be saying that already!) there are a few key dates to be mindful of:
Parents Evening 15.10.24
KS1 Trip to Hull 21.10.24
Art Week 21.10.24
If you would like to volunteer during art week, please do come and speak to me. Any time that you could spare would be gratefully received as we always need an extra pair of hands in KS1 especially during art week.

In maths we have started our addition and subtraction unit. The children have had great fun learning about part-whole models, number sentences, number bonds and fact families. Next week, the children will spend time exploring number bonds to 10 further and addition based activities.

In English we have explored the text using drama (it was fun watching the children pretending to be aliens!), identified key vocabulary and revisited using ‘and’ to join two sentences.

In your child’s book bag I have popped in a copy of this week’s spelling list. Additionally, I have assigned a game on the PurpleMash platform (login details can be found in your child’s reading log). You can also see a copy of this week’s spellings below:
Please ensure that you complete a minimum of 3 reads.
RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
To support our work on addition I thought the children would enjoy completing the following game:

The children may benefit from using objects to help them add, such as cubes or pasta…anything they can use to count really. I would start with the yellow robot and then move on when your child is feeling comfortable.
Event | Date | Other details |
Parent’s Evening | 15.10.24 | 3pm – 6 pm |
Diwali | 1.11.24 | Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and knowledge of different world faiths) |
Remembrance Day | 11.11.24 | Assembly / Class Activities |
Anti-bullying Week | 11.11.24 | Assembly / Class Activities |
Whole School SEND reviews | 12. 11.24 | Class teachers/ SENCO |
Championing Maths | 18.11.24 | 9.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning. |
Christmas Fair | 6.12.24 | 2.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome. |
Christmas Performances | 10.12.24 | 10.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance |
Christmas Performances | 12.12.24 | 10.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school) |
Christmas Disco | 19.12.24 | 3.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school |
Have a great weekend,
Mr Mallison