Good Evening Class 1!

Another extremely busy week this week in class 1, I can’t believe we have gotten through two weeks of the half-term already. This week the children have continued to work incredibly hard and have really enjoyed their history work on the Great Fire of London. The children have spent time considering questions that they would like to answer in relation to the topic and have even discussed between themselves what the answers could possible be.

In maths the children have continued with their place value unit. They have investigated 17.18.19 and 20 as well as one more and one less and the number line to 20. The children have thrived in this unit and displayed their understanding with great pride, the place value units are really important as they provide the foundation for building their future maths skills; therefore their solid understand at this stage puts them in good standing for future learning. Next week, will see the conclusion of our place value unit and the commencement of our Addition and Subtraction unit.

In English, the children have been very excited and keen to write expanded noun phrases all about Little Red Riding Hood. The children have learnt the difference between a noun and proper noun as well as adjectives. We have been having a big push in relation to presentation (handwriting, capital letters and full stops and finger spaces) and the children are very proud of their work as am I! Keep up the fantastic work children. Next week, we will be writing character descriptions with the aim of catching the big bad wolf!

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page. Please ensure you carry out a minimum of 3 reads each week.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
In your child’s book bag I have popped in a copy of this week’s spelling list. Additionally, I have assigned a game on the PurpleMash platform (login details can be found in your child’s reading log). You can also see a copy of this week’s spellings below:
This week we have been learning about nouns and proper nouns. I have sources some interactive resources that can support your child’s understanding:
There are a range of different activities to explore, but please stick to the top three sections on the initial page.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Mallison