Good Evening Class 1!
I hope I find you all well this evening?
This week in class 1 has seen the children investigate The Great Fire of London in History and what different items in class are made from in our Science lessons. In PE the children have partaken in football based activities and dance. In IT we have continued learning about algorithms.

In maths this week we have finished our unit on Place Value, the children have used a number line to 20, estimated on a number line, compared numbers on a number line and ordered numbers on a number line. Next week, the children will start their new unit; Addition and Subtraction within 20. We will explore, adding by counting on, adding ones using number bonds, number bonds to 20 and doubles.

In English, the children have loved continuing their work linked to Little Red Riding Hood. We have had a huge push this week once again on presentation, especially since it was National Hand Writing Day on Thursday. The children have worked incredibly hard to ensure that their work is presented to the highest standard. We have spent time describing the wolf, we have described his looks and personality as well as learning how to use ‘and’ effectively.

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page. Please ensure you carry out a minimum of 3 reads each week.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
In your child’s book bag I have popped in a copy of this week’s spelling list. Additionally, I have assigned a game on the PurpleMash platform (login details can be found in your child’s reading log). You can also see a copy of this week’s spellings below:

In maths this week we have explored ordering numbers on a number line. Therefore, I thought the children would enjoy playing a game linked to ordering. Please follow the link below:
When you enter the website, select Ordering and then 1-20.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Mallison