Good Afternoon Class 1!
I hope I find you all well on this truly autumnal Friday, I think the last of the unseasonal warm and sunny weather has departed us and we are firmly in the grip of Autumn.
I cannot believe that we only have two weeks left for this half-term, it has absolutely flown by!
In maths the children continued their work on place value. On Monday we explored fewer, more and the same; then on Tuesday we investigated less than, greater than and equal to. Wednesday saw a slight disruption due to our visit to church for our harvest festival, but we completed our quick starts and played maths games. On Thursday we order objects and today we completed our arithmetic quiz.
In English we have started our unit on instruction writing with great gusto. Our work has been linked to the book Pumpkin Soup. The children have converted singular to plural, identified the key features of a recipe and learnt all about imperative verbs.
RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.
Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
Can you write me a set of instructions?
I am giving you complete free reign, this could be:
How to make a sandwich
How to bake jam tarts.
How to tie shoe laces.
How to feed a pet.
The choice is yours.
If you need lined paper to complete the task, please come to see me and I will give you some to use.
Mr. Mallison