Good Evening Class 1!
I hope I find you all well this evening?
What a superb week we’re had! I was blown away by the session with Ladies in Pigs and I am sure that the children had a wonderful time too, I hope the sausage rolls tasted as good as they looked. I know I included this date for your diaries last week, but I just wanted to add an additional date too, please could you ensure that your child comes into school next Tuesday and Wednesday wearing a Christmas jumper. Tuesday for dress rehearsal and Wednesday for Christmas jumper day.

In maths the children have started their Place Value (numbers within 20) with great gusto. The children have recapped the numbers within 20 and manipulated the number 10. Next week, we will explore out understanding of the numbers between 11-19 through a range of different challenges.

We have really challenged the children this week in English. We have asked them to critique poems (saying what they like and dislike), compare poems, create word banks of Christmas vocabulary and identify words that rhyme in poems. Next week, the children will learn the difference between rhyme and repetition as well as creating their own poems.

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?