Good Afternoon Class 1!
And welcome back to school. I hope all the parents and carers had a wonderful Christmas break, it has been lovely hearing from the children about all the things that they have been up to and the gifts that they received. Thankyou very much for your kind gifts! On a sperate note, I cannot believe that we have completed our first term term, we are a 1/3 of the way through year 1!
As always, we have had a busy week this in school and the children have settled back in and have smashed all of their work.

In maths the children continue their second place value unit: Place Value within 20. The children have explored the number 11, 12 and 13, along with 14, 15, and 16. Exploring different ways that the numbers can be made as well as solving problems associated with these numbers. Next week the children will explore; 17,18 and 19, the number 20, one more and one less and then the number line to 20.


In English we have started a new unit on story writing linked to the book; The Pirates Next Door. The children have spent the week familiarising themselves with the book. The children have made predictions, made character profiles and today we created a story map to explain what happens in the story:

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
This week I would like you to play a game to practice your number bonds to 10 and 20 using the hit the button online game:

Have a great weekend!
Mr. Mallison