Good Afternoon Class 1,
I hope I find you all well! What a wonderful week we have had in Class 1, the children have had a great time taking part in all of the Science week activities. A highlight of the week was a visit from Northern Gas Network. In the workshop the children learned all about how insulation can prevent heat loss through a series of experiments. Other activities that we have taken part in, include a biscuit dunking experiment and material based experiments such as finding the best fabric for Elastigirl’s new costume as well as exploring different plastics.

In maths the children have been working with Miss Day on Length and Height, they have compared measurements of objects, measured lengths using non-standard measurements such as number of blocks and they have measured in centimetres using rulers. Next week the children will complete a unit on Mass and Volume.

In English, we have continued our work based around the video; Something Fishy.
This week we have finished our story retells, which were amazing! As well as starting our work on fact-files. The children have learned the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts as well as spending time investigating different types of non-fiction texts, the children have loved reading about different animals and sea-creatures.

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

The children are making strong progress in relation to learning their 2x tables. Therefore, I would like them to test themselves on the Mental Maths Train this week:
To access the game they need to select the purple carriage and then choose the 2x table.
Here are this week’s spellings:

I have also set the children a game on Purplemash.
Have a great weekend
Mr Mallison