Welcome to a new week. I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the wonderful weather. This week I will continue to add some problem and reasoning questions to the maths if you would like to take it a bit further. There will also be some Science, ICT and Wellbeing through the week from me. Don’t forget to have a go at the To Dos on Purple Mash. I can see some great work happening on there.
Mrs Atkinson
Today follow the link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ and click on Week 2. Watch the video for lesson 1: Compare capacity, then have a go at the activities.
Reasoning and problem Solving
Have a look at the problems and see if you can have a go at all or some of them.
Follow the link and watch the video: What plants can you find outside?
Have a look in your garden or on your daily walk and see what plants you can find. Draw a map of your garden or walk and label where the plants are.
Here are some plants you might see:
Use the following questions to think about what you see. What is the same and what is different about the plants you find?