Wow Year 1, what a fantastic video! Is is so lovely to see you all and I am sure some of you have grown already! I love all the photographs and am very impressed with all of the growing that is taking place. Well done! Mrs Atkinson


Did you manage to make a simple balance and compare the mass of different objects? If so it would be great to see some pictures of how you got on.

Today follow the link:  and click on Week 1. Watch the video for lesson 3: Compare mass, then have a go at the activities.

For extra practice have a go at the following:


During this time, it is really important to make sure we are looking after ourselves and each other. I know how kind you all can be so I thought it would be really good to think about the acts of kindness you do each day. You could do this as a family and record how you are looking after each other on a Kindness Calendar. Let us know how you get on.


Mrs Atkinson

Wednesday 22nd April

One thought on “Wednesday 22nd April

  • Class 1 you will all be developing green fingers with the growing and the Jack and the bean Stalk story. Good to see you enjoying the work and activities set for you.

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