I am so impressed with the fantastic work that you are all doing Class 1 and just as impressed with your mums and dads for all their hard work helping you! It is great to see how enthusiastic you all are and all the different ways you are finding to present your work. I love all the maths problem solving and your bean diaries are brilliant!


Today follow the link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/  and click on Week 2. Watch the video for lesson 4: Add equal groups, then have a go at the activities.

Reasoning and problem solving


Last term we started to look at coding and using the Beebots to give instructions. Follow the link to have a look at what algorithms are:


Can you write your own algorithm? It could be for anything eg growing a plant, making some buns, playing a game, making a toy from lego or walking to the park. Once you have written it, can you test it out? Did it work?

Have a go at 2Logo on Purple Mash. Can you draw a square by creating an algorithm? Waht else can you create?

Thursday 30th April

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