
We have been blown away with your work this week and all that you have done! I have posted a celebration of your achievements further down on this page!

As a treat we have set you 2 fun tasks you can choose from or do both if you want!

Ocean in a bottle

You need a bottle or jar, water and vegetable oil.

You could add food colouring, sand, shells, plastic animals, anything else you might have or can find!

Alfie had a go at this….

Big Art!

Some of you have already had a go at this earlier in the week but they looked so good and so much fun I thought I would set it anyway!

Can you create some underwater sea creatures using your clothes or things you can find in the house?

Alfie and I had fun creating these…

Here is a celebration of your achievements this week!

Amazing reading on epic! You have read over 400 books!
Outstanding Oceans Week!

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