As today is a little bit different, we have put the photographs of your amazing work at the end of this post. We thought looking at all your achievements would be a lovely way to end the day.
Children’s mental Health week 2021
Good morning everyone. Today we are having a full day of well-being activities and challenges as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme this year is ‘Express yourself’ so read on to see what exciting activities you can take part in. If you don’t want to complete them all that’s fine and remember you can choose to do them on another day as well. Do remember to upload photos to Seesaw or email them as we love to see what you are doing.
Self-expression is a great way to free your mind. It is about finding creative ways to share feelings, thought and ideas through doing things that make you feel good. Watch the video below to find out how some people like to express themselves.
Activity 1
Our first activity is quite easy. It is to take a photo of yourself wearing your brightest clothing – that’s right, really express yourself!
Sometimes wearing bright colours can really cheer us up can’t it, especially as we are still in the middle of wintertime.
Activity 2
Our second activity on the theme of Express yourself’ is to create a self-portrait. You can do this in any way you choose; paints, felt-tips, pencil crayons, collage, you choose! If you can upload a photo of your portrait when it is completed, we can post some on the class blog and you can try and guess who’s who. Here are just a few ideas to help you.
Activity 3
You might want to spend lots of time on your self-portrait but when you are ready to move on you can try the Squiggle challenge.
Watch this short clip to get the idea.
Now you know what to do, have a go at creating your own squiggle drawing. What will you end up with?
Activity 4
If you would rather make something than draw something, have a go at making this cute origami dog then give him a name!
How could you personalise you dog? Add some googly eyes maybe if you have some, or use some sparkly glitters or anything else that you can find.
Activity 5
For our next activity, you will need some of your family or your classmates to join in.
Imagine you have been stranded on a desert island. (Don’t worry a ship comes to rescue you later). You have to use your imagination to share these ideas and take turns to listen to everyone else’s ideas.
What did you find out? Where your ideas the same or different to everyone else’s? Remember it is ok to express yourself differently.
Activity 6
It’s really important to be able to express ourselves to people that we trust so that they can help us understand our feelings. Have a look at these emotion and situation cards and talk about them. Can you match up which emotion might go with each situation? You might choose more than one emotion for each situation.
Imagine if your friends were feeling one of the emotions above. What could you say or do? What would you want a friend or someone in your family to say to you or do for you if you felt that way?
Activity 7
People express themselves in many different ways. If you want to jot down your ideas on what your personality is like and how you like to express yourself then complete the worksheet below.
Activity 8
Create paper chains of kindness.
Cut some strips of paper, you can use coloured paper or plain paper and decorate them with patterns, colours and pictures.
On each strip write a word or a short sentence to show how you can be kind to someone else or show kindness to someone else.
Now you have all your strips, stick them together to create a chain!
Hang your chain up somewhere to remind you each day of how you can show kindness to others.
Activity 9
You could also have a go at this word search to remind yourself of just some of the ways you might choose to express yourself.
Activity 10
Just do something that you enjoy and makes you feel happy. It might be dancing around the front room, baking, building models from Lego, spending time with your pets, acting out stories with your toys, playing games with your family, …..
We hope you enjoy your day and look forward to seeing what you get up to.