Good Morning Class 1!
I am so impressed with all of the suitcases that have been brought into school! They were perfect for our trip to Africa yesterday! I have enjoyed looking at all of them.
Your homework for this week is based upon our maths lesson yesterday and our IT lessons.
Note: homework sheets will be placed into your book bags this week. We are still waiting on a few permissions for access to Seesaw, once we have confirmation on this I will send out login details.
For Maths I would like you to complete the One More Than Activity sheet:

For your IT homework, I would like you to practise typing your name using the image of a key board that I have popped in your book bags.

Practicing typing your name will help you to learn how to log onto our computers. Parents: If you have a computer at home or a tablet, it would be beneficial for the children to practice typing their names into a word processing document or similar.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Mallison