Good Afternoon Class 1 and welcome to summer 2!

It feels somewhat strange commencing the final half-term of the year, it seems to have passed by so, so quickly this year. The children have commenced the half-term with great gusto!

In maths we have finished our multiplication and division unit. The children have spend time creating arrays, equal groups and solving investigations. Next week will see us start our Fractions unit.

In English the children have continued with their units on diaries. I have been blown away by the vocabulary choices made by the children as they pretended to be Thomas Farriner. Next week, we will be putting the finishing touches to our diaries and I cannot wait to read the finished articles.

RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


On Tuesday, the children will be sitting their phonics screener (I know they are all going to be absolute superstars!), therefore rather than setting the usual homework on Seesaw I thought the children might enjoy playing some phonics based games:

  1. Select phase 5 (you could even practice phase 4).
  2. Select revise all phase five.
  3. Have fun!
  1. Select phase 5 (you could even practice phase 4).
  2. Select revise all phase five.
  3. Have fun!
Weekly Round up W/C 5th June

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