Good Afternoon Class 1!
What a wonderful week we’ve had! This week has seen us take part in the Sky Arts Access All Arts Week. The children have spent the week completing a range of activities linked to the Arts. More information to follow…

In maths we have continue our Fraction units, learning all about 1/2 and 1/4. Exploring how to find a half and quarter of a quantity and a given number. The children have really enjoyed this unit and loved exploring with concrete objects. Next week, we will commence our position and direction unit, the children will learn about turns, left and right and positions as well as ordinal numbers.

In English the children completed the Words unit of Arts week exploring poetry. They started the week by creating a rap with MC Grammar.

Followed by drawing a character which was inspired by a piece of poetry that they had listened too. The children were then challenged to create a list of words to describe their characters. Finally, the children created list poems about their characters.

We spent the afternoons completing the 2D mark Making activities.
On Monday we explored the different ways in which we can make a mark on paper. We followed this up by investigating the works of Joan Miro and completed a blind drawing activity, which was lots of fun. On Wednesday the children explored different artistic mediums (charcoal, oil pastels, chalks and pencils) to create pictures of different types of hair. On Thursday, we learnt about colour, shape and styles (skills builders). When learning about colour the children mixed oil pastels to create the different colours that they could see in their faces. In the shape activity the children spend time investigating the different shapes that they could see in images of their faces. Finally for the style activity the children had a go at creating a portrait of either Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift using oil pastels in the style of Jean Michael Basquiat or Van Gogh. Finally, on Friday the children created their very own self-portrait using a medium of their choice

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

I thought in addition to your reading homework that you could complete one of the Sky Arts Take home activity sheets. I have posted both of them to SeeSaw.
Have a great weekend!