Weekly Round Up 1st December

Good Evening Class!

I hope I find you all well this evening? wow, I can’t believe we’re already into December. Before we know it we’ll be send all the children off for the Christmas break. We are well on our way with practice for the Christmas play, please keep an eye out for information regarding dates for Christmas events as they will come thick and fast as we hurtle towards the final week of term. A date for your diaries; 12th December, the children will be completing their dress rehearsal for the play, therefore could you please send your child into school with a Christmas jumper this is in addition to the Christmas jumper day.

In maths the children have completed their shape unit this week, we explored both 2D and 3D shapes. The children revisited the names of shapes and took part in problem solving challenges which entailed exploring the key features of different shapes. Next week, we will be starting a new unit; Place Value (Numbers within 20) which will see us up until the Christmas break.

In English the children completed their unit on setting descriptions, but will continue to utilise, ‘Twas the night before Christmas to influence their work. We will be writing Christmas Poetry.

RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


In preparation for our new unit, I would like the children to have a go at the game below:


The children only need to visit numbers up to 19 for next week, but if they excel they could attempt numbers to 29 and 49 if you wish.

Weekly Round Up 17th November

Good Evening Class!

I hope I find you all well this evening. Another amazing week of learning this week in class 1. The children have really enjoyed their foundation subjects this week, they were really excited in Geography to find out the different between a hamlet, village, town and city. Moreover, they were very engaged with their work on human and physical features within the village, you could even challenge them to tell you the difference between the two and give you an example. In Science the children began their new unit on Animals including humans. They loved the challenge of deciding whether a living things was a mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian or fish. They are also making great steps towards learning the songs for the Christmas play (I apologise now for them singing Christmas Cracker constantly!).


In maths the children continue to learn about addition and subtraction. I have been very impressed as to how quick the children have picked up this skills and their ability to apply it to problem solving scenarios. Miss Northen covered my maths lesson on Tuesday, due to me conducting a learning walk to see how the other children in school are getting on in maths and she expressed her delight to me regarding how impressed she was with the children! Next week, the children will complete the subtraction strand of the unit.


In English this week the children have continued their setting description work linked to ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. We have spent time improving word choices to make our writing more engaging, explored a range of unfamiliar words from the book and then used them to create our own sentences. Finally, the children then revisited adding a suffix to make a singular noun plural by adding ‘s’.


RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

English Homework

This week I would like you to play a game to practice your knowledge of plurals. When you follow the link, make sure you click on the demonstrations first and grab an adult to check our understanding, as they might need to read the explanations to you (note for adults – sometimes the sound doesn’t work for me). You only need to look at the demonstrations for ‘s’ and ‘es’. Then you can play the adding s or es game.


Have a great weekend!

Mr. Mallison

Weekly Round Up 10th November

Good Evening Class!

And welcome back to school. I hope all the parents and carers had a great half-term break, it has been lovely hearing from the children about all the things that they have been up to. As always, we have had a busy week this in school and the children have settled back in and have smashed all of their work. .


In maths the children have continued their unit on addition and subtraction following the White Rose Maths scheme. The children have explored number bonds within 10, systematic number bonds within 10 and number bonds to 10. Next week, will see us learn about adding together within 10, adding more, addition problems and finally finding a part.


In English we have started a new unit on setting description based upon the poem, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Utilising the picture book by P.J. Lynch. Although it may seem a little early to be mentioning Christmas, the book lends itself perfectly to setting descriptions and then our next unit which will be on poetry. Moreover, next week we will begin practising for our epic Christmas performance in partnership with Class 2.


RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


This week I would like you to play a game to practice your number bonds to 10:


Have a great weekend!

Mr. Mallison

Weekly round up 20th October

Good Afternoon Class 1!

Oh my gosh! What an autumnal end to the week, this week. Fingers crossed the weather picks up for Saturday and Sunday and holds for the half-term holidays in a weeks time.



In maths the children have started their unit on addition and subtraction. The children have been enjoying the unit thus far and have made a great start exploring part-whole models and number sentences. The children have also sat their place value assessment and they absolutely smashed it, well done class 1!


In English we have continued our unit on instruction writing; we wrote instructions on how to make pumpkin soup according to the characters in our class story, Pumpkin Soup. We then had the most exciting English lesson ever (the children’s words)…making jam and marmalade sandwiches, and next week we will write instructions for other to repeat our successes.


RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


This week I would like you to play a game to practice addition within 10.


  1. When you click on the link, look for the green play game logo (no need to download any apps).
  2. Select the Number bonds button (the big green one).
  3. Choose addition within 10.
  4. Although you might have a go at the other games too.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Mallison

Weekly round up 13th October

Good Afternoon Class 1!

I hope I find you all well on this truly autumnal Friday, I think the last of the unseasonal warm and sunny weather has departed us and we are firmly in the grip of Autumn.

I cannot believe that we only have two weeks left for this half-term, it has absolutely flown by!



In maths the children continued their work on place value. On Monday we explored fewer, more and the same; then on Tuesday we investigated less than, greater than and equal to. Wednesday saw a slight disruption due to our visit to church for our harvest festival, but we completed our quick starts and played maths games. On Thursday we order objects and today we completed our arithmetic quiz.


In English we have started our unit on instruction writing with great gusto. Our work has been linked to the book Pumpkin Soup. The children have converted singular to plural, identified the key features of a recipe and learnt all about imperative verbs.


RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


Can you write me a set of instructions?

I am giving you complete free reign, this could be:

How to make a sandwich

How to bake jam tarts.

How to tie shoe laces.

How to feed a pet.

The choice is yours.

If you need lined paper to complete the task, please come to see me and I will give you some to use.

Mr. Mallison

Weekly Round Up 6th October

Good Afternoon Class 1,

My apologies for the delay in posting the blog this week, unfortunately I had a family emergency on Friday.

Last week, was superb, the school trip on Thursday absolutely blew me away! We learnt so much about how farming has changed over the years. I couldn’t believe how many robots are used in dairy farming, it was like a sci-fi movie.



In maths the children continued their work on place value. We spent a little extra-time counting backwards, we explored 1 less than and compared by matching groups.


In English we put the finishing touches to our final written piece in our character description unit and commenced our new unit on instruction writing linked to the book Pumpkin Soup.


RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

Mr. Mallison

Weekly Round Up 29th September

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Wow! Another week down, time flies when you’re having fun!

I can’t believe it’s a week since I was posting about our visit to Mr. Richardson’s farm and on the horizon we have our next farm visit which will take place next Thursday, please could I remind all parents and carers to ensure that you have returned your child’s permission slip. I must say a huge shout out for our attendance thus far this week, as I write this blog on Friday before school we currently sit at 100% attendance, fingers crossed that we see all children in class today and we will top the attendance leader board in school. .


In maths the children continued their work on place value. We counted on from any number, added 1 more than a given number and counted backwards.


The children absolutely blew me away in English yesterday. The children were tasked with writing words to describe a different character, however the children went one step beyond and wrote in full sentences and really displayed their amazing writing skills, absolute superstars!


RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

Your second piece of homework is linked to our English work for next week. I would like the children to find me an example of a set of instructions and they can either bring them into school for me to photocopy or send in via Seesaw.

Suggestions of instructions could be:

Favourite recipe.

How to play a board game.

How to build a toy.

How to play a video game.

How to build a lego model.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Mallison

Weekly Round Up 22nd September

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Another busy week in Class 1, which on top of our usual activities we also managed to squeeze in a trip to Mr. Richardson’s farm!


At the farm the children were given a guided tour of the grain store, vehicle outbuildings and listened to how the Richardson family farm the local area and the produce that they make. The children were also given the opportunity to ask questions all about farming which were answered brilliantly by Mr. Richardson.


In maths the children continued their work on place value. This week we explored representations of numbers and numbers as words.


In English the children have continued with our learning linked to character descriptions. However, we had a focus on the use of ‘and’ to join ideas together in a sentence as well as using capital letters and full stops. Next week, we are going to complete our descriptions of Cyril and then the children will choose a character from either The Lion Inside or The Gecko and the Echo to apply their learning independently.

Thank you so much for all of your support last week in filming your child reading. We have watched a range of the videos in classed which that children have enjoyed greatly. I have also watched all of the videos and I was blown away by the enthusiasm of the children and their effort in applying the skills learnt in RWI sessions.

On Monday the children will be bringing home two books (a paper style book and a hard copy) and will do so for the rest of the half-term. The hard copy book will form the basis of one piece of homework linked to RWI; please see details below: #

RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

Your second piece of homework is a maths game linked to our learning from this week:


On this game the children need to match the word to the numeral. To begin with I suggest the children choose 1-10 and if they become confident they can move to 1-20. I would also recommend choosing the relaxed mode. They do not need to complete 1-100 nor 1-1000.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Mallison

Weekly Round Up 15th September

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Wow! What another busy first full week in Class 1. The children have spent time in Science learning about the different seasons and what changes we see across the seasons. In History we have considered questions that we would like to ask next week when we go to visit a farm. In PE we have played ball games and partaken in dance. The children really enjoyed their Jigsaw lesson with Mrs. Irvin and sang their hearts out in Music.


In maths the children have commenced their unit on place value. We have explored counting and grouping.


In English the children have continued with their learning linked to character descriptions. We spent time writing words and phrases that could describe Spontaneous Cyril. Next week, we are going to start the week considering how we can use ‘and’ to join our ideas as well as how to use a full stop. We will then apply our learning to writing about Cyril.

In you child’s book bag you will find a login for Seesaw. For this week I would like the children to practice login in to their Seesaw account and having a go at uploading a video. As an extra challenge, see if you can save the video in the red homework folder.

I would the children to choose their favourite book and film themselves reading the book in a special place. This could be the back garden, it could be at the park, it could be on the beech, the choice is yours. Please could videos be uploaded by Thursday 21st September.

If you have any trouble getting onto to Seesaw, please come and speak to me next week and I will help where I can.

Welcome Back!

Oh my gosh Class 1, how quick did that week go? If I would have blinked I would have missed it! However, as the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun!

It has been a very busy week, yet it has been filled with fun and laughter. We have played English and Maths games, wrote about our summer holidays, took part in a music lesson, explored the classroom, took part in a PE lesson and practiced our handwriting amongst lots of other activities.

The children have worked very hard and it has been lovely getting to know you all.

Just a few house keeping bits and bobs:


I will set homework on a Friday using the class blog; starting from next week and the children will need to submit their work the following Thursday. Generally; the homework will be an activity that can be completed on Seesaw or submitted using Seesaw. I will send out login details next week.


PE will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday indoor and Thursday outdoor (weather permitting), please send your child into school wearing their PE kit as per the school PE policy.

Have a great weekend!

Mr Mallison