Super work again yesterday Class 1. I absolutely loved your Animalphabet stories! You did a great job with them, I was very impressed. ?
Sentence games today.
Explore these sentence games online. Have a go at the different games to write sentence, correct mistakes in sentences and improving sentences to make them more exciting!
If you are having trouble with this site because of flash player then you could try these ones instead!
We are really lucky this week to have a Dance Stars video from Clare who does our dance in School!
Next week’s Home Learning
As I explained earlier in the week, as of Monday the Class blog posts will be changing. We will be moving to a whole school home learning blog. This will be called ‘Home Learning’ and be found in the same place as the Class 1 blog.
There will be a range of activities set each day by different members of staff based around one theme. Some activities will be differentiated across Key Stages, others will be differentiated by outcome. Feel free to adapt and change if you need to.
Please keep emailing me any work you do and we will celebrate this on the Class blog every Friday so you can see what everyone else has been doing.