Hope you had fun with the sentence games yesterday!

Fun Friday!!

Fold-over Stories

These are really good fun, nonsense stories!

Write the following words on the paper in a vertical line: WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHY.

  1. Write someone’s name at the top of their paper, i.e., their own, a classmate’s, the teacher’s, a famous person that everyone knows; fold the paper over once so no one can see it, then pass the paper to someone else.
  2. Write on the received paper what the subject did (suggest funny or outrageous actions), fold it over and pass it on to someone else.
  3. Continue to write one line, how they did it, fold and pass; where-pass; when-pass; and last of all, why (because…) and pass it one more time.
  4. Read the story!

You could get the whole family involved!

You could also do the same thing drawing a picture!

Home Learning Reminder

Remember as of Monday to access the new Home learning Blog for daily activities based around the theme ‘Oceans’ for World ocean Week.

Some of you are already in school and some of you are coming back in the next few weeks. I can’t wait to see you and this story might help you to understand that it will be a bit different.

Friday 5th June

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