Good morning Class 1. What a fantastic week we are having so far. There has been so much good work sent through to us and the children in school have been working incredibly hard too. We are really looking forward to reading your stories – you had some super ideas.

Today’s tasks:
We have added quite a few tasks today, but just choose the ones that work best for your family.
- Phonics
- Spellings
- English
- Maths
- Music
- Computing
- PE
- End of the day Story
Watch this video and practice your o-e and u-e sounds. Join in!!
Now have a go at practising you spellings on purple mash – Set as a 2do.

I want you to continue working on your story today.
When you have finished, read it back through and check it. Have you used capital letters and full stops correctly? Are your letters formed the right way? Do all the sentences make sense? Take a different coloured pen or pencil and make any corrections you need to over the top.
Why don’t you video yourself reading your completed story, or post a photograph of your work and maybe voice record a narrative over it.

Yesterday you did a great job at looking at which numbers were less than, equal to or greater than another number using symbols, words and equipment.
Today we are going to have a look at ordering several numbers. I will talk you through it in the video, but if you feel your child is confident you can go straight to the tasks.
Equipment: 100 square, tens rods and ones, paper and pencil.
Click on the link below to take you to an ordering game. It is a good one to use as you are able to set the level according to your child’s understanding.
If you would like a worksheet to practise ordering, please download the one below.
On our last Music lesson we asked you to listen to one of your favourite songs and answer questions about it. This week we are going to learning the first part of a song based on the story Tiddalik the Frog.
If you want to read part 1 of the story first you can download the document below or click on the image to take you to an online animated version.

Click on the picture below. Listen to Rebecca and Andy from Cbeebies as they teach you the song.

Can you practise clapping words from the song just like Rebecca and Andy?
‘Tiddalik the frog’ Tidd – a – lik the frog
‘he was bursting’
‘started snoring’
‘What a thing to do!’
When Tiddalik is asleep he makes lots of noises – snored, grumbled, swish, rumble.
Can you make these noises? You might use your voice, your body or an object from around your house.
Why not have a go at making different animal noises? You could use animals from the story/song or choose some of your own.
Always remember to keep yourself safe online.
On Purple Mash I would like you to have a go at some of the challenges on 2Go to practise giving simple instructions.

Start on the first challenge as they get more difficult as you go along.
I am posting the PE activity today but you can do this today, tomorrow or on another day!
Lesson 2 of our Gymnastics – Shapes