Good Morning Class 1,
Once again; thank you all for a wonderful week this week!
Weekly Round Up:
In English this week the children have continued their amazing work linked to the squirrels who squabbled. The children have being learning all about first person pronouns as well as expanded noun-phrases. They have also began to write a diary entry as if they are Bruce from the story.

In maths we have continued our work on ; Addition and Subtraction. We have spent a lot of time this week exploring subtraction, which at times has been a little bit tricky; although we have worked really hard and we are getting there. As the week has progressed we have moved onto applying both addition and subtraction within the same mathematical problems. Next week will see us start a new unit; Geometry; with a focus on shape.

Foundation Subjects
In Geography we have spent time investigating extreme weather and the children produced posters to give advice in floods and extreme heat (the two kinds of weather that we tend to get…) Science proved to be the most exciting element of the week; where we spent time investigating the different types of food that living things eat; the children loved learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Deciding which groups animals fell into had the children and even the adults stumped at some points. In drama we continued with our preparations for the Christmas play which are coming along beautifully; you are in for a treat!
PurpleMash: In school this week the children having been practicing spelling common exception words. To support this learning, I have set up a game on PurpleMash for the children to play at home.
IT:Technology Hunt
The children have been on a technology hunt this week in school as part of their IT lesson therefore I would like them to go on a technology hunt at home. The children can present their work in two ways either as a poster (drawing the items) and handing their completed piece to me next Friday or they could take photos and create an electronic poster which could be uploaded to Seesaw and then I will print off for display.
Examples include: laptops, phones, microwaves etc.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Mallison