Good Afternoon Class 1,

Once again; thank you all for a wonderful week this week!

Homework Location

Just a reminder from last week:

The first place to look is the blog. On the blog, I will always detail what the homework will entail and which platform that you can access the homework through e.g. Purplemash.


In English this week the children have started their unit on the Squirrels who squabbled. The children have loved listening to this story, we have explored word meanings, story sequencing and finished the week by spending time outside to influence our ability to create sentences using adjectives to describe a forest setting.


In maths we started our new unit; Addition and Subtraction. We have spent a lot of time exploring number bonds within 10 and applying our addition skills to problem solving scenarios.

Foundation Subjects

In History we have started learning about Grace Darlin; identifying who she was and the time period that she comes from. Moreover, we detailed what we would like to find out about her. In Geography we have been investigating weather symbols and if you take a look at Seesaw you will see the children having a go at being weather presenters. In Science we have explored Animals and Living Things; with a focus on categorizing animals into one of five groups; mammals, amphibians, fish, reptiles or birds.



PurpleMash: In school this week the children having been practicing spelling words with the ie and the i_e split diagraph. To support this learning, I have set up a game on PurpleMash for the children to play at home.

Christmas Play

This week rather than completing Maths and English based activities, I would like the children to focus on learning their lines for the play. They have done a great job in learning the songs already!

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Round Up and Homework 11.11.22

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