Good Evening Class 1!
I hope I find you all well this evening?
I just wanted to start the blog this week by saying a massive thank you for such a wonderful parents evening. It was really nice to sit down and chat to you about the amazing progress that the children are making. Also thank you for your patience for when I was running slightly behind between 17:30 and 18:00, it was greatly appreciated.

In maths this week we have completed our Place Value unit and commenced our Measurement unit on length and height. The children have really enjoyed measuring items around the classroom to cement their understanding as well as problem solving in their maths books. This measurement unit is a relatively short unit, therefore next week the children will complete their unit assessment, followed by starting the next unit which once again is another measurement unit but we will be focusing on Mass and Volume. .

In English we have continued with our story writing unit, which the children are loving, Smiley Shark appears to be the most sought after book in class at the moment. the children have developed their punctuation skills with a focus on exclamation marks, question marks and full stops. The children have written about Smiley’s adventures whilst trying to apply these skills. I have been blown away with the content of their this week as well as presentation, we must be the neatest writers in the whole school.

To finish the week the children have completed a science experiment to identify which material would be the best to use when making an umbrella. The children learnt all about what it means to be absorbent and non-absorbent. Next, they made predictions about which material would be up to the job (justifying why) and then they put their theories to the test.

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
On our Daily ten activity for today, some of the children struggled to remember their number bonds to 10, which is a skill that is really important and can help the children to solve a range of problems. Therefore, I would really like the children to practice their number bonds using the Hit the Button game on Top Marks (see link below).
- Select the Number bonds button.
- On the next screen choose to make 10.

Have a great weekend!
Mr Mallison