Good Evening Class 1!
I hope I find you all well this evening?
Another, week has flown by in class 1, I cannot believe that Easter is on the horizon already! In class 1 this week the children have spent time in Geography learning about human and physical features on maps. In music the children have been playing the Glockenspiels and in PE the children have loved their netball and orienteering sessions. Finally, in I.T. the children have been absolute experts in giving instructions to move objects around the screen.

In maths this week we have continued with our Place Value to 50 unit. The children have loved the challenge of ordering numbers on a number line, estimating numbers on a number line, grouping into 10s and partitioning. Next week, the children will revisit 1 more and one less prior to commencing their new unit which is length and height.

In English we have continued with our story writing unit, which is linked to the book Smiley Shark. The children have spent time re-telling the story, finding adjectives to describe Smiley and sentence writing.

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
To support your learning and knowledge in regards to ordering numbers on a number line, I have found a game that you will really like.

Please follow the link below:
- Select sequencing.
- Choose 0-100 from the orange selection.
- Have fun!
Have a great weekend!
Mr Mallison