Wow what a week!
I can’t start the blog on any other subject this week other than our trip to Hull and Hessle to explore all of the different types of bridge. The children had a wonderful time, some telling me that it was the best day at school ever. Although I think that the visit to the park underneath the Humber Bridge might have had something to do with it! A massive thankyou to the parent helpers that gave up their time to come on the visit, we really do appreciate you, without your generosity trips would not take place.

In other news, we did have our usual lessons, although the children will probably be able to tell you more about the trip.

The children have continued with their Place Value, focusing on numbers from 50-100. We explored the number line to 100, 1 more and 1 less than a given number and compared numbers. Next week, we will have sports week, therefore we will immerse ourselves in all things active and we will be off our usual timetable. With this in mind we will finish our place value unit the week commencing 1st July as well as starting our unit on Money.

In English the children have created amazing rhyming poems about their visit to Wassand Hall, the children were a little unsure about poetry at the beginning of the unit, however they have grown into the genre. I have been really impressed by their enthusiasm and ability to craft wonderfully engaging pieces of poetry. Well done Class 1! The week commencing the 1st of July we will commence our unit on letter writing.

RWI Home learning:
Practice your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
To support your learning and knowledge in regards to ordering numbers on a number line, I would like you to revisit this game:

Please follow the link below:
- Select sequencing.
- Choose 0-100 from the orange selection.
- Have fun!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Mr Mallison