Today the children have created a giant piece of art work on the front playground. We spent time exploring different textures and media and drawing on different surfaces, moreover, we made expressive marks spontaneously using chalk. The children are very…
Weekly Round Up 18th October
Good Evening Class 1! Well here we are at the end of the penultimate week of the half-term. The past 7 weeks have flown by and I am sure that next week will go in the blink of an eye.…
Weekly Round-Up 11th October
Good Afternoon Class 1, I hope I find you well. As we move towards the end of the half-term (how can I be saying that already!) there are a few key dates to be mindful of: Parents Evening 15.10.24 KS1…
Weekly Round-Up 4th October
Good Afternoon Class 1, Another week down! I cannot believe how quickly this half-term is going! Excellent attendance again this week, we only just missed out on the top spot at 98%, we did however manage 100% with our reading,…
Good Afternoon Class 1, Wow! Another week down, time flies when you’re having fun! I can’t believe it’s a week since I was posting about the children really enjoying their rugby sessions in PE. I must say a huge shout…
Weekly Round Up 20th September
Good Afternoon Class 1, The children have had another really busy week this week and they have all been superstars! In Science the children have taken leaf and bark rubbings whilst making observations about the changes that have happened this…
Weekly Round Up 13th September
Good Afternoon Class 1, Wow! What another busy first full week in Class 1. The children have spent time in Science learning about the different seasons and what changes we see across the seasons. In History we have considered questions…
Weekly Round Up 6th September
Oh my gosh Class 1, how quick did that week go? If I would have blinked I would have missed it! However, as the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun! It has been a very busy week, yet…
Year 1 Books
Good Afternoon! Today, I will be sending home the children’s books. Do not worry if your child is missing a book, we select 3 books for each subject to keep in school for evidence. We will however send the missing…
Weekly Round Up 5th July
Good Afternoon Class 1! I thought sports week was going to be a difficult one to top. However, yesterday we were lucky to have a visit from Charlotte – the artist from Wassand Hall. The children had great fun creating…