Wow! We have worked so hard this week!

We have been really enjoying reading ‘Here we are’ By Oliver Jeffers in English and have done some wonderful writing linked to this book.

We have loved our work around the book ‘Here we are’. Here are some of our notes for life on planet Earth.

epic! Reading

You have all started some fantastic reading on epic!
You have achieved your first badge for reading 25 books!
Well done!

Super Sports Week!

Another brilliant week Year 1, big well done!
Only one more week to go! I wish you were all in school to enjoy the last week together, but I am sure I will see you all soon.

A fun activity today…..

There are lots of iconic sporting celebrations, have a go at reenacting some of them or create an iconic celebration of your own! Take a photo or video of your celebrations!

This week….