Amazing Arts Week!

What a super creative week you have had Class one!!

A couple of fun activities to choose from today…

Can you do some blow painting? Here are some fun ideas to create some fun blow paint pictures!

Use really watery paint and a straw or just get your face really close to the paper and blow!

Why not have a go at some rock painting, here are some ideas!

Your amazing work this week….

Picnic week!

What another super week. I have seen you weighing food, finding the cost of your picnic, drawing fruits, investigating where food comes from and learning what foods are healthy!

A fun task for you today…

Who invented the sandwich?!

Now it is your turn to invent! I want you to invent a new sandwich!

I want you to create a brand new sandwich today!
Think about….

the shape of your sandwich

what is going to be inside it

the type of bread you are using

who is your sandwich for?

Be as fun and adventurous as you like!

Can you draw your sandwich and list what is in it?

You might even want to have a go at making your sandwich!!

As an extra challenge write some instructions for how someone else can make your sandwich!

The fun you have had this week!

We planned our picnic stories, what happened next from the picture then filmed them!

In this one, a lovely picnic was being enjoyed until a bird, a rabbit, a fox and then a shark stole all their food!

A picnic was being enjoyed but someone or something was stealing their food, they didn’t know who it was until they saw the big, scary bear!

Into the Woods week!

Well done on another fabulous week!

I can see lots of you enjoyed learning and exploring outdoors!

I have posted lots of your fantastic achievements below.

Today’s treat task!

As a treat I thought you would like some fun activities for today!

Can you make a picture or collage outside using the natural materials you can find?
Can you make it symmetrical or a repeating pattern?

You could try making faces or other pictures using mud or clay!

Or why not make a friendship flower. You could make it for yourself to say why you are a good friend or make one about one of your friends saying why they are a good friend!

Amazing week into the woods!

Outstanding Oceans Week!


We have been blown away with your work this week and all that you have done! I have posted a celebration of your achievements further down on this page!

As a treat we have set you 2 fun tasks you can choose from or do both if you want!

Ocean in a bottle

You need a bottle or jar, water and vegetable oil.

You could add food colouring, sand, shells, plastic animals, anything else you might have or can find!

Alfie had a go at this….

Big Art!

Some of you have already had a go at this earlier in the week but they looked so good and so much fun I thought I would set it anyway!

Can you create some underwater sea creatures using your clothes or things you can find in the house?

Alfie and I had fun creating these…

Here is a celebration of your achievements this week!

Amazing reading on epic! You have read over 400 books!

What a great week!

Well Class 1 you have impressed me yet again and made me so proud of you all and your achievements! Although I am sad that we won’t have our daily class blog I am excited about some of the activities we have planned for next week on our whole school Learning blog!

Remember to check back on here on a Friday for a celebration of the week’s achievements!

Friday 5th June


Today is the last day I will be posting Year 1 maths as next week we move to a whole school blog. There will be some new exciting maths challenges for you to do posted there.

If you have found the White Rose and BBC Bitesize useful and enjoyed completing the activities, they will still be available following the links you have used every day. If you have any queries, we are still here to help and available to be contacted through the class email.

Today watch the video below. Alternatively, follow the link:   Click on week 6, go to lesson 4 and look for Already covered this content? Click here and you will be taken to an alternative plan. Click on the vimeo link for Patterns with 3-D and 2-D shapes and this will take you to the video shown here.

Reasoning and Problem Solving

You can go to BBC Bitesize for their Friday Challenge:

Extra Challenge!

Can you make your own shape pattern using objects and shapes you find around your home? Remember to take a picture and share your patterns with us.

Friday 5th June

Hope you had fun with the sentence games yesterday!

Fun Friday!!

Fold-over Stories

These are really good fun, nonsense stories!

Write the following words on the paper in a vertical line: WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHY.

  1. Write someone’s name at the top of their paper, i.e., their own, a classmate’s, the teacher’s, a famous person that everyone knows; fold the paper over once so no one can see it, then pass the paper to someone else.
  2. Write on the received paper what the subject did (suggest funny or outrageous actions), fold it over and pass it on to someone else.
  3. Continue to write one line, how they did it, fold and pass; where-pass; when-pass; and last of all, why (because…) and pass it one more time.
  4. Read the story!

You could get the whole family involved!

You could also do the same thing drawing a picture!

Home Learning Reminder

Remember as of Monday to access the new Home learning Blog for daily activities based around the theme ‘Oceans’ for World ocean Week.

Some of you are already in school and some of you are coming back in the next few weeks. I can’t wait to see you and this story might help you to understand that it will be a bit different.

Thursday 4th June


Today watch the video below. Alternatively, follow the link:   Click on week 6, go to lesson 3 and look for Already covered this content? Click here and you will be taken to an alternative plan. Click on the vimeo link for Sort 2-D shapes and this will take you to the video shown here.

Reasoning and Problem Solving

I know some of you love a challenge and puzzles so as an extra challenge I have set you a puzzle – it may keep you going for a while! It’s time to become detectives and solve the clues!

You will need lots of the maths skills you have practised to be able to solve the clues. Good luck!

I will send all the clues and resources via email.

Thursday 4th June

Super work again yesterday Class 1. I absolutely loved your Animalphabet stories! You did a great job with them, I was very impressed. ?

Sentence games today.

Explore these sentence games online. Have a go at the different games to write sentence, correct mistakes in sentences and improving sentences to make them more exciting!

If you are having trouble with this site because of flash player then you could try these ones instead!


We are really lucky this week to have a Dance Stars video from Clare who does our dance in School!

Next week’s Home Learning

As I explained earlier in the week, as of Monday the Class blog posts will be changing. We will be moving to a whole school home learning blog. This will be called ‘Home Learning’ and be found in the same place as the Class 1 blog.

There will be a range of activities set each day by different members of staff based around one theme. Some activities will be differentiated across Key Stages, others will be differentiated by outcome. Feel free to adapt and change if you need to.

Please keep emailing me any work you do and we will celebrate this on the Class blog every Friday so you can see what everyone else has been doing.

Wednesday 3rd June


Today watch the video below. Alternatively, follow the link:   Click on week 6, go to lesson 2 and look for Already covered this content? Click here and you will be taken to an alternative plan. Click on the vimeo link for Recognise and name 2-D shapes and this will take you to the video shown here.

Reasoning and Problem Solving


A bit more science today! This weeks Great Science Share theme is UN World Environment Day. First of all find out about your environment. You can make the Question Frame and use it to observe what is in your environment. What can you see? What is different outdoors and indoors? What material are things made from? Can they be recycled? Are they natural or man made?

Have a go at thinking of your own questions that you would like to find out more. Maybe you could make the question teller to help you think of more questions.

Follow the link to The Great Science Share to find out more information about the weeks theme.