Thursday 14th May 2020


Today follow the link:  and click on Summer Term Week 3. Watch the video for lesson 4: Add more and count on within 20, then have a go at the activities.

BBC Bitesize also has some activities.

The problems are slightly different today. Additional information and solutions will be sent via mail.

What is computer code?

I previously set you a challenge to find out what an algorithm is. This time can you find out what a computer code is? Follow the link on BBC Bitesize to find out more and the have a go at writing one yourself.

Can you set out a route around your garden or a room in your house and write a procedure to get from one place to another? Test it out on someone in your home. Ask them to be a robot and see if they can follow the procedure as you read it to them. Have you been very clear?

Have a look at Purple Mash for the 2 Dos and see if you can use a computer code: Fun with Fish; Turtle; Guard the Castle and Snail.

Thursday 14th May

You all had another super busy day yesterday, I loved your Caterpillars in shoes!

Today’s tasks…

Mini-beast fact files

Choose at least 3 different mini-beasts from the story.

Can you create a fact file for each one? What do they look like? How many legs? Where do they live? What do they eat?

Do some extra research if you need to.

You can choose your own format for your fact files, you could use the example sheets below or use book creator online, however you want to do it!

Wednesday 13th May 2020


Today follow the link:  and click on Summer Term Week 3. Watch the video for lesson 3: Add together and find a part, then have a go at the activities.

Further practice can be found on BBC Bitesize.

Reasoning and Problem Solving

If your child is really confident with this, there are additional problem solving activities which I will send via email.

Being a good friend

I am sure you all miss seeing and playing with your friends but I hope you are managing to keep in touch with some of them in different ways. What makes a good friend? Follow the link to find out what some children think. Think about your friends and what you do and complete the activities.

Activity 1

Thinking about who your friends are

Who do you play with or talk to regularly in school?

Draw pictures of them and write their names.

Think about what Bill and Owen said about things they share.

Write down the things you share with your friends and the games you like playing together.

Activity 2

How can I be a good friend?

Try this activity thinking about your friendships at different times of your day when you were in school.

Wednesday 13th May

Today’s task….

Can you create a Caterpillar wearing shoes?

How many shoes will he wear?

Here is my Caterpillar wearing shoes…

It can be as big or small as you like and made of anything you can find to use!

Think about each shoe the caterpillar is wearing.

Describe each shoe and say who it would be best for?

You could make it like an advert! Sell your shoes to the mini-beasts!

Tuesday 12th May

Today’s task:

Challenge – Watch the Caterpillar shoes story video again. Can you work out how many shoes the Caterpillar had?

Use the table to help you work it out by watching how many shoes he gave to each mini-beast.


Can you design a new pair of shoes for a mini-beast?

Choose which mini-beats you are going to design new shoes for. How many shoes will you need?

Why are those shoes good for that mini-beast? How will they help them?

You can use these templates if you need to or just go for it and design your own!

Who lives in your garden?

Two weeks ago I asked you to have a look at which plants grow in your garden. Today I would like you to go on a hunt and see which minibeast you can find in your garden. Watch the BBC Bitesize video to find out what minibeasts are and then complete the minibeast hunt.

Check out Purple Mash for lots of minibeast activities too.

Happy hunting!

Monday 11th May

Good morning Class 1. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed your VE Day celebrations. We certainly had the perfect weather and your photos look fantastic.


Number bonds and addition facts are basic facts which are crucial in many aspects of maths. We looked at number bonds and addition facts in many different ways at the beginning of the spring term. The activities this week will recap and build on previous learning. You will see that children need to be able to see addition and subtraction facts in many different ways and representations.

Today follow the link:  and click on Summer Term Week 3. Watch the video for lesson 1: Part-whole relationships number bonds, then have a go at the activities.

If you would like extra practice, the BBC Bitesize have created additional videos and activities. Sometimes it is helpful to see the same message presented in a different way.

Today’s Reasoning and problem solving. Please remember that it is up to you what you choose to complete and what you feel is appropriate for your child at this moment.