Friday 1st May

We made it to the end of another week! Well done!

Last day of Jack and the Beanstalk today and I want you to do a bit of drama.

Have a go at acting out the story but you can change bits to make it your own and change the ending depending on who you decided was guilty?

The Story of Jack and the Beanstalk

Feel Good Friday!

Images of so proud of you - Google Search | Smiley, Welcome poster

Write a list of things that make you happy.

I am so proud of all of you but I want you to think what makes you proud of yourself?

What have you done this week that makes you feel proud?

Thursday 30th April

I am so impressed with the fantastic work that you are all doing Class 1 and just as impressed with your mums and dads for all their hard work helping you! It is great to see how enthusiastic you all are and all the different ways you are finding to present your work. I love all the maths problem solving and your bean diaries are brilliant!


Today follow the link:  and click on Week 2. Watch the video for lesson 4: Add equal groups, then have a go at the activities.

Reasoning and problem solving


Last term we started to look at coding and using the Beebots to give instructions. Follow the link to have a look at what algorithms are:

Can you write your own algorithm? It could be for anything eg growing a plant, making some buns, playing a game, making a toy from lego or walking to the park. Once you have written it, can you test it out? Did it work?

Have a go at 2Logo on Purple Mash. Can you draw a square by creating an algorithm? Waht else can you create?

Wednesday 29th April

Good morning. I am really impressed with the great maths work going on. It’s great to see lots of you having a go at the reasoning and problem solving questions, well done!


Today follow the link:  and click on Week 2. Watch the video for lesson 3: Make equal groups, then have a go at the activities.

Reasoning and problem solving


Today is International dance Day so have some fun! Choose your favourite song and make up a dance to go with it.

During this last week you have been thinking about the kind acts you do for other people. Today I want you to think about how you can be kind to yourself. This is really important too. Maybe your family members could think of their own ways to be kind to themselves as well.

Wednesday 29th April

Wow!! What an amazing day of learning Class 1!!

So proud of you all.


Today you are going to present your statement for court.

You could write this or video this, dress up if you want to!

Remember to give as much information as possible as to why one is innocent and the other is guilty!

You have to try and convince everyone and make them believe what you do!

Have fun and I cant wait to see them.

Why not have a go at this word ladder!!

Tuesday 28th April

Super Capacity problem solving!

Great Police work yesterday Class 1, that was so helpful of you.

Now the Police have all their information it is almost ready to go to court.

Have you decided who is guilty? Jack or the Giant?

Today you need to prepare for court.

You need to defend the Giant or Jack in court. Write down why they are innocent and the other one is guilty.

How you know they are innocent? Use as much evidence to back it up as you can!

Art / DT

I want you to have a go at making or drawing some of the other characters from the story to go with your beanstalk.

Here are some ideas with some templates if you want them.

Monday 27th April

Welcome to a new week. I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the wonderful weather. This week I will continue to add some problem and reasoning questions to the maths if you would like to take it a bit further. There will also be some Science, ICT and Wellbeing through the week from me. Don’t forget to have a go at the To Dos on Purple Mash. I can see some great work happening on there.

Mrs Atkinson


Today follow the link:  and click on Week 2. Watch the video for lesson 1: Compare capacity, then have a go at the activities.

Reasoning and problem Solving

Have a look at the problems and see if you can have a go at all or some of them.


Follow the link and watch the video: What plants can you find outside?

Have a look in your garden or on your daily walk and see what plants you can find. Draw a map of your garden or walk and label where the plants are.

Here are some plants you might see:

Use the following questions to think about what you see. What is the same and what is different about the plants you find?