Friday 24th April

There has been some great work this week, well done everyone. I am adding some reasoning and problem solving to the maths today. This is to help the children to explain what they have done and how they know it is correct. This is crucial in developing their maths skills. Parents, I will email the solutions to you as they may help you prompt your child to explore what they have done. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or I can help in any way.

Have a great day and a relaxing weekend enjoying the fab weather!

Mrs Atkinson


Today follow the link:  and click on Week 1. Watch the video for lesson 5: Measure capacity, then have a go at the activities.

As I mentioned, below are some questions to help the children apply what they have learnt and investigate different solutions. Have a go and please let me know what they come up with but most of all have fun with the questions.

Comparing Capacity

For extra practice have a go at the following: mobilePage/capacity/index.html

Friday 24th April

What a week we have had Class 1! Some amazing learning going on and you have really made me smile with your enthusiasm and your creativity!

Breaking News!

The Second installment of Storyville News is in!

What fantastic WANTED posters, let’s hope they help find Jack!

You have impressed me so much and really made me smile with the news reports you have sent me already!

Here is the first installment of Storyville News-



Jack is wanted by the police for questioning in relation to a series of thefts from the Giant!

If anyone has seen him please contact the police immediately!

Can you make a WANTED poster to find Jack. Think about describing what he looks like and where he lives and give details of why he is wanted.

You can use a template like the one below , create your own or do it on Purple mash, set as a 2do.

On Purple mash, if you click on the green + at the bottom of the picture box you can search for new pictures!

Thursday 23rd April


Today we are going to start looking at capacity and volume. Follow the link:  and click on Week 1. Watch the video for lesson 4: Introduce capacity and volume, then have a go at the activities.


In science, we are growing our own plants, including some vegetables. We get some of our food from the UK but where does the rest of the food we eat come from? Have a look at the packets and labels on your food and see if you can find out where they come from. Can you make a food map? Label a world map to show where your food comes from. You could add pictures as well.

Thursday 23rd April


Some of you have done this already and they are great! If you haven’t yet, you can have a go at writing your newspaper report or video your news broadcast.

Use your planning you did yesterday to help you remember what to include.

You can use purple mash, a 2do has been set for a newspaper article or use the template emailed or make your own!

You can make this as fun as you want!!



What does the Giant say in the story?

Fe Fi Fo Fum….

Can you think of your own song / rhyme starting Fe Fi Fo Fum?

Wednesday 22nd April

Wow Year 1, what a fantastic video! Is is so lovely to see you all and I am sure some of you have grown already! I love all the photographs and am very impressed with all of the growing that is taking place. Well done! Mrs Atkinson


Did you manage to make a simple balance and compare the mass of different objects? If so it would be great to see some pictures of how you got on.

Today follow the link:  and click on Week 1. Watch the video for lesson 3: Compare mass, then have a go at the activities.

For extra practice have a go at the following:


During this time, it is really important to make sure we are looking after ourselves and each other. I know how kind you all can be so I thought it would be really good to think about the acts of kindness you do each day. You could do this as a family and record how you are looking after each other on a Kindness Calendar. Let us know how you get on.


Mrs Atkinson

Wednesday 22nd April


Plan a News Report

Plan a news broadcast or a newspaper report to report the enormous beanstalk that appeared overnight in Jack’s garden.

Think about What, Where, How, Why and Who? Can you interview anyone who has seen it and include this?

Use the planning sheet as a guide for what to include.

Here is an example for you to look at.

Remember today is just about planning it and thinking about everything you need to include!

Class 1 you are amazing!!

Thank you all so much for your kind and thoughtful message!

You are all fantastic and we miss you all lots too and can’t wait to see you.

Keep up all your amazing work and keep smiling!

A message from Mrs Ledingham…

Dear All,Thank you SO much for your amazing video.It is beautiful, so, so clever and SO emotional.I’m missing you all very much and can’t wait to see you and your happy, smiling faces very soon.Love Mrs Ledingham xx

Well done!

Some fantastic work being completed Class 1, a HUGE Well done to you all!

You have been reading lots of books on epic! and achieved your first reward badge!

You have been completing some fantastic activities on Literacy Planet!

Fantastic retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk to help me get out of my muddle!

And some amazing beanstalk Art work and sculptures!

You have also been doing lots of growing already and other fun activities!


For today only a Key Stage One yellow drop box will be put under the community noticeboard near the school path. It contains a little pot and two types of seeds to get you going with your seed planting and it will be there all day. If you or a member of your family is able to take their daily exercise and collect a pot that would be fab. Also in the drop box will be an exercise book and a new pencil for you to use during summer home school learning.