Thank you all so much for your kind and thoughtful message!

You are all fantastic and we miss you all lots too and can’t wait to see you.

Keep up all your amazing work and keep smiling!

A message from Mrs Ledingham…

Dear All,Thank you SO much for your amazing video.It is beautiful, so, so clever and SO emotional.I’m missing you all very much and can’t wait to see you and your happy, smiling faces very soon.Love Mrs Ledingham xx

Well done!

Some fantastic work being completed Class 1, a HUGE Well done to you all!

You have been reading lots of books on epic! and achieved your first reward badge!

You have been completing some fantastic activities on Literacy Planet!

Fantastic retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk to help me get out of my muddle!

And some amazing beanstalk Art work and sculptures!

You have also been doing lots of growing already and other fun activities!

Class 1 you are amazing!!

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