Today follow the link: and click on Summer Term Week 4. Watch the video for lesson 3: Add and subtract worded problems.
For extra practice go to BBC Bitesize.
Reasoning and problem Solving

Great Science Share
The Great Science Share project is asking as many children and families as possible to take part in the Groove-along. You need to watch the video which takes you through the simple dance steps needed to perform and how to film it. You can find out more about it on the main National Share website here:
This weeks’ Scienceshare theme is Scavenger Hunt. This fits nicely alongside the activities you have been doing for your science theme work.
You could Go on a Wildflower Foray and explore the variety of flowers growing around you.

Or you could go on a SPIDER SAFARI!
Don’t forget to send your videos and pictures and I can share them with Mrs Platten who can’t wait to see them.