Well done Class 1. Yet again you have astounded us with all your fantastic learning both at home and in school. It is lovely to see all the photos and videos that you share through Seesaw. Apologises if your photos do not appear below but the Blog has been a bit temperamental this week. Sadly many of the photographs of you dressed in bright clothes didn’t want to upload, however we still do have lots of celebration photographs to share.
Today’s Tasks
- Reading
- English
- Maths
- R.E.
- Extra Challenges
Practice all your ie sounds by reading this book on epic!

You could try the quiz at the end if you want.
We are going to have some fun with today’s task as you have all worked so hard this week on your space mission!
Here are the pictures from the book below so you can have a closer look.
You can choose whether you want to write a short story or draw some labelled pictures about what you would choose for another space adventure, or record yourself telling me about what you would choose and why!

It’s board games Friday. You can have a go at any games or puzzles that you have at home, but here is my game for this week – Connect 4!
Connect 4 can be use to make up lots of addition an subtraction sums. After a game, why not take a row to make up your own calculations. I’m going to use the bottom row of the image above. There are 3 red counters and 4 yellow counters, so I could do:
3 + 4 = 7
4 + 3 = 7
7 – 3 = 4
7 – 4 = 3
If I want to make it harder I could use all the counters on the board. There are 8 red counters and 9 yellow counters, so I could do:
8 + 9 = 17
9 + 8 = 17
17 – 8 = 9
17 – 9 = 8
Remember to use your equipment to help you with your adding and subtracting.
Below is a paper version to download and a link to an online game (*Play against the human for 2 player*) if you prefer.
Last week we looked at the story of Creation. This week I would like you to think about the amazing world around you.
What sights and sounds make our world special?
Have a look at the photographs below.
Can you identify the things that are amazing?
Do your family members think the same as you?
Remember it is ok to think differently to someone else.
Your task is to find/take a picture of something that you find amazing in the world and write about why you think it is special.
I find the waves crashing on the sea wall at high tide amazing. I love to walk my dog and see the water splashing over the top. I could watch the waves for a long time as they are constantly changing.
Don’t worry if you don’t complete the task today. You may want to look for amazing sights whilst walking at the weekend.
Extra Challenges
Remember your extra challenges set on purple mash if you want to do them!!