Good Afternoon Class 1,
Once again; thank you all for a wonderful week this week!
Homework Location
I have received a little bit of feedback regarding a little bit of confusion regarding where to look for homework items.
The first place to look is the blog. On the blog, I will always detail what the homework will entail and which platform that you can access the homework through e.g. Purplemash.
In English this week the children have finished off their instruction writing unit, writing up their instructions as to how to bake Oat Biscuits.

In maths we started our new unit; Addition and Subtraction. Some of us found this a little bit tricky, but we have persevered and we are making great progress. We started the week by looking at part-whole models and finished up with number sentences. Next week, we will explore number bonds to 10, adding together and addition word problems.
Foundation Subjects
In Design and Technology the children finished off their moving picture books and wrote their evaluations (they can’t wait to bring home their books, which are based upon the Titanic). In PE we have played Dodgeball and in Music we have commenced our rehearsals for the Christmas performance, on Monday look out for scripts in your child’s book bag.
PurpleMash: In school this week the children having been practicing spelling using common exception words. To support this learning, I have set up a game on PurpleMash for the children to play at home.
Maths: To support our addition work, please access the number bonds game on the Topmarks Website:
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-buttonHave a go at the number bonds to 10 game.
If you are feeling very brave have a go at the number bonds to 20.

Next week, we will be starting our new unit on the Squirrels Who Squabbled.
Can you create a poster about Squirrels? Where do they live? What do they need to eat to stay alive? Can you include facts?

Have a great weekend!