Zero Waste Day

We started our day by listening to a story from our school virtual library. It is called ‘The Beautiful Blue Planet’ and is a lovely book to share with your child to generate discussion about looking after our Earth.

Then Mrs Holland came to talk about the email the office staff had sent Class 1. They set us the challenge of finding different ways to recycle/re-use the shredded paper generated in school. We had lots of fantastic ideas and made them into a book on Purple Mash (Look in your child’s work folder – Class – Year 1 -.Waste Day). We presented our book to Mrs Holland during our end of day assembly.

We also had just enough time to make some pictures using pencil shavings.

If you have any other ideas to help us to recycle/re-use our shredded paper please let us know.

London Day!

We had a fantastic trip to London!

We did some sightseeing….

The Queen’s knickers and the Queen’s hat!!

We read these stories then created a new hat or a new pair of knickers for the Queen!

We made the Queen’s guards!

Our trip to the Theatre!

We enjoyed watching Aladdin the musical and had popcorn and juice in the interval!

What a week to end this half term!

Class one have continued to work incredibly hard over this last half term. We are very proud of all their achievements and their hard working attitudes!
We hope you have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you back for more fun and fantastic learning.

This week in Class 1….


We have been giving each other directions to get to a specific place. We used vocabulary such as right, left, half and quarter turns and gave the number of steps to move forward.


We were balancing this week and had a go at partner balancing, using each other as a counter balance!
It was lots of fun.

‘We can do anything we put our minds to’

We have been talking lots about being positive this week!


We have been exploring the value of coins, finding different ways of making the same amount and finding the right coins to buy different items in the shop.


We were practising our accuracy of passes with the football this week.

We have been looking a different places of worship and today we shared out of ideas of how a place of worship can make you feel, what they are for and what you might do there.


Our computer skills are really developing. Today we had a go at inserting images and practised our typing on the keyboard to write instructions for planting a seed.


We wanted to share some of the fantastic science work the children have been doing. Last week we worked as a key stage to find and then identify a range of common plants located on the school grounds. The children looked really closely at the different shapes and patterns on the leaves and started to make comparisons between the different plants.

A sunny start to the week! 🌞

Fun Phonics!

We have been learning about speech marks and had a go at writing them in the correct place.

We have been practising telling the time to the hour and half past the hour.

PE. In football we have been practising our ball skills. Dribbling the ball and controlling the ball.


We have really enjoyed practising the relay race and we are getting really good at it!

Our Computing skills are improving!
Today we asked everyone in the class what their favourite flavour of ice cream was. We recorded it in a tally then made a bar chart on Purplemash to show the results.


Another fantastic week in Class 1!


We have been developing our gymnastic skills this week using a range of equipment.

Fairy garden

We have been doing some weeding and tidying in the fairy garden this week and added some nice coloured gravel!


We have been enjoying playing an old game that Mrs Gardner’s grandad made. We threw 2 discs then added the numbers they landed on!