Homework 24.9.21

Good Morning Class 1!

I am so impressed with all of the suitcases that have been brought into school! They were perfect for our trip to Africa yesterday! I have enjoyed looking at all of them.

Your homework for this week is based upon our maths lesson yesterday and our IT lessons.

Note: homework sheets will be placed into your book bags this week. We are still waiting on a few permissions for access to Seesaw, once we have confirmation on this I will send out login details.

For Maths I would like you to complete the One More Than Activity sheet:

For your IT homework, I would like you to practise typing your name using the image of a key board that I have popped in your book bags.

Practicing typing your name will help you to learn how to log onto our computers. Parents: If you have a computer at home or a tablet, it would be beneficial for the children to practice typing their names into a word processing document or similar.

Have a great weekend!

Mr Mallison

Home Reading Logs

Good Evening,

Tomorrow afternoon, I will be placing new reading books (as chosen by Mrs Atkinson!) and logs into your child’s book bag. As with the homework, if you could ensure that your child’s book and reading log is returned to school on Friday 24th September. If you return the book earlier in the week, one of the team will endeavour to change the book, however this cannot always be guaranteed.

Take care

Mr Mallison

Homework Week Commencing 13.9.21

Good Evening Class 1 Parents and Carers,

I hope I find you all well this evening?

After a very busy first part week back and an equally busy second week back at school; (and now that the children are all settled back in) I feel it a suitable time to issue the first piece of homework.

Nothing too taxing (I hope!). Yet what I feel will be a fun and creative task for the children.

As you are aware this term our theme is Wild Adventure and we will be learning all about Africa. Therefore, this week I would like the children to create a suitcase for our journey to Africa that we could display in class. Please see the details below:

Hand in date: Friday 24th September

Good luck! I can’t wait to see your creations.

Mr Mallison

Summer Learning Pack

Summer learning packs have been set to support children in continuing to read and practise key maths and writing skills over the holidays. There are also ideas linked to our theme next term and outdoor exploration.

The activities are not compulsory as we know that there are many ‘fun’ ways to incorporate reading, writing and maths into the holiday period – from calculating scores in games to following instructions in recipes!!

So please just enjoy your holidays and use the ideas when needed.

In light of today’s school closure, you may wish to use some of the ideas for home learning.

Have a wonderful summer!

Well we made it and what a fantastic time we have had!
You have all kept us smiling and kept us going and we have had so much fun with all of you. We are very proud of what you have achieved and how hard you have worked, you are all shining stars!

We hope you have a wonderful summer and we will see you when you come back as grown up Year 2s!

Sports Week!

A great start to our sports week with our Euro 2021 5 a side football tournament this morning!
We had lots of fun and there were some very brave and skilled players!


In the afternoon we had a go at playing Boccia. Boccia is a game of precision, skill, and tactics – get your ball as close to a white target ball as possible. Boccia’s played by people of all ages and disabilities. Internationally it is played by athletes with severe physical disabilities.

We really enjoyed it.

Zero Waste Day

We started our day by listening to a story from our school virtual library. It is called ‘The Beautiful Blue Planet’ and is a lovely book to share with your child to generate discussion about looking after our Earth.

Then Mrs Holland came to talk about the email the office staff had sent Class 1. They set us the challenge of finding different ways to recycle/re-use the shredded paper generated in school. We had lots of fantastic ideas and made them into a book on Purple Mash (Look in your child’s work folder – Class – Year 1 -.Waste Day). We presented our book to Mrs Holland during our end of day assembly.

We also had just enough time to make some pictures using pencil shavings.

If you have any other ideas to help us to recycle/re-use our shredded paper please let us know.