Weekly Round up 17th March

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Miss Fisher has led the whole week, this week in Class 1 and she has worked incredibly hard to deliver a successful and engaging Science Week!

Science activities have been the main bedrock of the week and Miss Fisher tells me that all of the children have worked really hard not only in class but also in sessions outside of class and have all been very keen to share their scientific knowledge with the rest of the school during assemblies.

On Monday the children used Microscopes to explore the world around them and complete challenges and investigations laid out by Miss Fisher. When helping Miss Fisher to plan the microscope sessions, I was particularly blown away by looking at sand and a 2 pence piece in close detail. Maybe you could tell your adult at home which item you enjoyed looking at the most using a microscope!

On Tuesday the children took part in a Science Farm Live session by the NFU. Exploring how tractors are connected to space. The children were amazed by the link and enjoyed investigating which materials had been used to build tractors and spaceships.

Throughout the week, Miss Fisher spent time setting the children investigatory tasks utilising the resources from the Explorify science platform. The children answered the ‘BIG’ questions and conducted investigations and experiments.

The children also took part in Mrs Platten’s Windmill Challenge. The children commenced the session by watching a video explaining how a child had built a wind turbine using recycled material. Next, the children built prototypes out of Knex and then designed their own models on paper. They were then set the task of building a moveable wind turbine out of only resources that could be found in the classroom.

Miss Fisher was also able to include an investigation based around whether items would float or sink!

I’ve got to say I think the children have had an amazing week applying their science skills and I have been blown way by all of the stories that they have told me about what they have been up to.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

Miss Fisher would like to create a display in class showcasing the amazing work completed by the children over the course of science week, but would like to find out about what the children enjoyed the most. Therefore she would like the children to create a poster detailing their favourite part of the week. The poster could be completed electronically, hand drawn or painted, the choice is yours! The only request Miss Fisher has is that your poster should include the phrase; Science Week 2023.

We all hope that you have a wonderful weekend,

Mr Mallison, Miss Fisher and the class 1 team!

Weekly Round Up 3rd March

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Wow! What another busy first week in Class 1. The children have learnt more about the capitals cities and countries of the United Kingdom, man-made and natural materials in Science, created questions to ask the Wright Brothers in History and on Thursday saw us celebrate World Book Day, please keep your eyes pealed on the blog as Miss Fisher is going to post some pictures this week.


In maths the children have been working on addition and Subtraction with Miss Fisher. Once again Miss Fisher has told me that the children have been working really hard on this and have made great progress. She also told me that the children were really good at counting back and finding the difference.


In English the children have continued with their learning linked to Non-chronological reports. The children spent time investigating using question marks and ‘and’ to join two clauses or related pieces of information together. Next week the children are going to be spending their lessons researching the capital cities of the UK further and then writing their reports.

RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


To cement the children’s understanding in relation to subtraction; once again Miss Fisher has come across a really exciting game that the children can play to cement their knowledge:

The children can choose their own level of challenge, but Miss Fisher recommends Level 2, however some children may enjoy the challenge of level 3 or 4.


As stated above the children have worked on using questions this week in English and History. Therefore, Miss Fisher would like the children to create their very own list of all the questions that they have asked at home over the weekend which includes the correct punctuation and use of finger spaces.

Have a great weekend!

Mr M and Miss F

Weekly Round up 24th February

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Wow! What a busy first week back at school following the half-term break, I cannot believe how much we have crammed into the week.


In maths the children have been working on doubles and near doubles with Miss Fisher. Miss Fisher has told me that the children have been working really hard on this and despite struggling at the begin of the week, they have persevered and have made great progress.


In English the children have begun a Non-Chronological report unit with myself, based upon the United Kingdom. The children have explored key features of an NCR, how to group related information and the importance of using capital letters, full stops and exclamation marks correctly.

RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


As stated above the children have worked really hard this week to expand their knowledge of doubles. However, Miss Fisher believes that the children would benefit from having a practice at home. Therefore, I have found a really fun game that the children can play on the hit the button website:


On the home screen select the Doubles link.

You will be met with the following options. Please choose a suitable level of challenge. If unsure start with the doubles to 10 and then work from there.


As stated above the children are creating NCR about the United Kingdom in their English lessons. To support their learning I would like the children to create a poster about either London, Edinburgh, Belfast or Cardiff.

Have a great weekend!

Mr M

Weekly Round Up 27/1/2023

Good Evening Class 1,

Wow! What an end to the week! A trip to Magna Science Adventure Centre. I cannot say how proud I am of the children of Brandesburton Primary School, the children had an amazing day and represented the school superbly. As I am blogging from home this evening; I do not have the list of children who can and cannot appear online; therefore I will check in school tomorrow and then gets some photos up of the kids enjoying themselves!

Attendance Award

Last week Class 1 reigned supreme in the attendance league table at school! Another first place; therefore the children have received a 15 minute treat. As it stands for this week we have 100% attendance for this week; therefore we are certainly in the running to top the leader board again, fingers crossed we will achieve the 100% tomorrow and the children will get another afternoon off time table for a treat. Although it is fantastic that the children receive a treat, it must be noted that the main element is that the children are in school and accessing the curriculum.

Maths and English

In Maths this week the children have finished the second place value unit; investigating number lines, comparing numbers and ordering numbers. In English the children have written setting descriptions, although we found this difficult we persevered and got their in the end. Tomorrow we will be planning a pirate inspired adventure story and will seek to write it up next week.

RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


In maths we have struggle this week to match numerals to words therefore I have set you a game on PurpleMash to have a go at, which will allow you to practice this skill. Additionally, I have set you an ordering numbers activity to allow you to practice the skills learnt in school.


I would really like some feedback from the children about our trip to Magna; therefore I challenge you all to pick the best three parts of the trip to Magna and write me 3 sentences to tell me all about it.

Have a great weekend!

Mr M


Weekly Round Up 20.1.23

Good Evening Class 1,

I hope I find you all well?

Thank you very much for another lovely week of learning and exploration in year 1 it has been a blast!

Attendance Award

Fingers crossed that we will be in the running for tomorrow’s attendance award; at my last calculation (Thursday afternoon) we will be sitting in the region of 97%, so as long as we all attend tomorrow…Although we would be shy of the 100% treat; we would be in the running for the best class attendance of the week prize. Let’s keep at it!


In maths this week the children have worked really hard to develop their understanding of place value. Moreover, in English the children have learnt about character descriptions and descriptive language, I was blown away with the sentence choices made by the children today to describe Jimlad. Miss Fisher taught the children Science, PE, History and IT this week. In science the children continued their work on Everyday Materials, exploring how to identify different materials; in History the children re-visited key historical vocabulary (to cement their sticky knowledge) followed by an investigation into new and old methods of flight. Finally, Miss Fisher taught the children about algorithms and how to debug them through making a cheese sandwich!

RWI Home learning:

Practice your  story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?


Maths homework this week I have set you a game on PurpleMash (with a suitable level of challenge for you). If you find the activity too easy or too difficult let me know and I will go onto to PurpleMash at assign you a different level of challenge.


I have also set a punctuation activity on PurpleMash which is linked to Little Red Riding Hood. The children need to choose which piece of punctuation should be used to complete the sentence (you may need to read the sentence with your child).

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mr M

Weekly Round Up 13th January

Good Afternoon Class 1,

As always the children have had a really busy and have worked very hard. However, we did find time on Monday afternoon for a special treat:

Attendance Prize

When a class gets 100% attendance for a week the children get an afternoon off timetable. They can spend the afternoon doing whatever they want (within reason – a trip to Disney Land might be a little tricky). Therefore, the children were very happy last Friday when the results were called out in assembly!

Mrs Mallison offered to bake a batch of buns at the weekend for the children to decorate. The children loved making icing sugar and choosing sprinkles and edible train pictures to decorate their bund. Mr Mallison loved getting covered in icing sugar. As well as cake decoration the children enjoyed taking part in outdoor games.

Well done class 1!

Student Teacher

To add to the excitement of our treat afternoon the children were filled with joy at the fantastic news that we will be hosting a student teacher in Class 1 until the Easter holiday. We welcome Miss Fisher to year 1 and we are sure that she is going to have a fantastic impact upon the education and learning for the children.

RWI Home learning:

From this week RWI home learning will replace spelling in Class 1. All you need to do is practice spelling your story green words and red words from your home reading book on a piece of paper at home. These can be found on the How to help your child read this book page.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?

Maths: Please choose one of these interactive games to have a go at:


Please select your own level of challenge.


Thank you very much for the fantastic posters from last week; I have loved learning all about Neil Armstrong, and Amy Johnson.

For this week I would like you to build me a model of a flying machine; you could build a:

I can wait to see your creations

Have a great weekend!

Happy New Year!

Good Afternoon Class 1 and a Happy New Year to you all!

It feels somewhat strange wishing you all a Happy New Year considering that it is already Friday and I have wished you all a Happy New Year in person at school; however this is the first blog of 2023 and I may not have seen all of your parents/guardians yet. I hope that you have all have an amazing Christmas break and that Father Christmas made a special visit to you. I must send my thanks for the wonderful gifts that you sent the year 1 team; I must send my apologies that I haven’t sent thank you cards yet; I had a world wind of a Christmas break; getting married, Christmas festivities and then a honeymoon crammed into 2 weeks has left me a little behind on thank you cards; but I aim to get them out to you all ASAP!

For the spring term, we have a very exciting theme of; Up, Up and Away! Over the spring term our learning will be driven by the History of Flight. Here is a brief overview of our intended learning journey up to Easter.

History: In History we will be learning all about the history of flight from the Wright Brothers to Amy Johnson to Neil Armstrong and everything in between

Geography: A focus on the UK; primarily the four countries and capital cities.

Science: Everyday Materials.

Art: Christopher Corr and his use of colour within painting.

DT: Vehicles – Modes of Transport for flight.

Music: We will commence the term by completing the In the Groove Unit;

which explores a range of different musical styles including: Blues, Baroque, Latin, Bhangra, Folk and Funk. Each week will will learn about a different musical style.

Computing: In our computing lessons we will be learning about coding and algorithms.

RE: In RE the children will be learning about how they can Care for the World.

PE: Our two focus areas for this half-term are Games and Balance, Agility and Coordination.

General Information

  1. PE will take place on a Monday (outdoor) and Tuesday (indoor); please send your child to school wearing their PE kit as per the uniform policy.
  2. Homework will be issued on a Friday and will then need to be handed in the following Thursday.
  3. Details of homework will be posted on the blog; where you will be sign posted to the correct platform e.g. PurpleMash or Seesaw for example.
  4. RWI books will be changed on Wednesday; both electronic (encompassing a book and online quiz) and hard copies . Please note the hard copy and electronic copy are different books.

Spelling: I have set a compound spelling activity on Purple Mash for the children to have a go at to support our learning in class this week.

Maths: Please choose one of these interactive games to have a go at:

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/helicopter-rescue Choose your level of challenge.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Number bonds to 20.


Spend some time researching Amy Johnson, The Wright Brothers or Neil Armstrong (you could use the internet, the library or books from home or school) and then create a poster to show me what you have found out.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Round Up 2.12.22 and Homework

Good Evening Class 1,

Once again; thank you all for a wonderful week this week!

Weekly Round Up:


In English this week the children have commenced their new writing poetry unit. The children have being identifying suitable adjectives to describe Santa as well as different sentences types e.g. statements, exclamations and commands.


In maths the children have learnt about 3D and 2D shapes; they have spent time classifying the shapes based upon their properties. .


This week for your homework I would like the children to continue to practice their lines in preparation for the performances next week.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Mallison

Weekly Round Up 25.11.22 and Homework

Good Morning Class 1,

Once again; thank you all for a wonderful week this week!

Weekly Round Up:


In English this week the children have continued their amazing work linked to the squirrels who squabbled. The children have being learning all about first person pronouns as well as expanded noun-phrases. They have also began to write a diary entry as if they are Bruce from the story.


In maths we have continued our work on ; Addition and Subtraction. We have spent a lot of time this week exploring subtraction, which at times has been a little bit tricky; although we have worked really hard and we are getting there. As the week has progressed we have moved onto applying both addition and subtraction within the same mathematical problems. Next week will see us start a new unit; Geometry; with a focus on shape.

Foundation Subjects

In Geography we have spent time investigating extreme weather and the children produced posters to give advice in floods and extreme heat (the two kinds of weather that we tend to get…) Science proved to be the most exciting element of the week; where we spent time investigating the different types of food that living things eat; the children loved learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Deciding which groups animals fell into had the children and even the adults stumped at some points. In drama we continued with our preparations for the Christmas play which are coming along beautifully; you are in for a treat!



PurpleMash: In school this week the children having been practicing spelling common exception words. To support this learning, I have set up a game on PurpleMash for the children to play at home.

IT:Technology Hunt

The children have been on a technology hunt this week in school as part of their IT lesson therefore I would like them to go on a technology hunt at home. The children can present their work in two ways either as a poster (drawing the items) and handing their completed piece to me next Friday or they could take photos and create an electronic poster which could be uploaded to Seesaw and then I will print off for display.

Examples include: laptops, phones, microwaves etc.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Mallison