Good Afternoon Class 1,
Miss Fisher has led the whole week, this week in Class 1 and she has worked incredibly hard to deliver a successful and engaging Science Week!

Science activities have been the main bedrock of the week and Miss Fisher tells me that all of the children have worked really hard not only in class but also in sessions outside of class and have all been very keen to share their scientific knowledge with the rest of the school during assemblies.
On Monday the children used Microscopes to explore the world around them and complete challenges and investigations laid out by Miss Fisher. When helping Miss Fisher to plan the microscope sessions, I was particularly blown away by looking at sand and a 2 pence piece in close detail. Maybe you could tell your adult at home which item you enjoyed looking at the most using a microscope!

On Tuesday the children took part in a Science Farm Live session by the NFU. Exploring how tractors are connected to space. The children were amazed by the link and enjoyed investigating which materials had been used to build tractors and spaceships.

Throughout the week, Miss Fisher spent time setting the children investigatory tasks utilising the resources from the Explorify science platform. The children answered the ‘BIG’ questions and conducted investigations and experiments.

The children also took part in Mrs Platten’s Windmill Challenge. The children commenced the session by watching a video explaining how a child had built a wind turbine using recycled material. Next, the children built prototypes out of Knex and then designed their own models on paper. They were then set the task of building a moveable wind turbine out of only resources that could be found in the classroom.

Miss Fisher was also able to include an investigation based around whether items would float or sink!
I’ve got to say I think the children have had an amazing week applying their science skills and I have been blown way by all of the stories that they have told me about what they have been up to.

Challenge: Can you use the words in sentences?
Miss Fisher would like to create a display in class showcasing the amazing work completed by the children over the course of science week, but would like to find out about what the children enjoyed the most. Therefore she would like the children to create a poster detailing their favourite part of the week. The poster could be completed electronically, hand drawn or painted, the choice is yours! The only request Miss Fisher has is that your poster should include the phrase; Science Week 2023.
We all hope that you have a wonderful weekend,
Mr Mallison, Miss Fisher and the class 1 team!