
Well done everyone for completing today’s challenge, another great effort from you all and I loved seeing what was on your wish list!

Last challenge of the week! Today I want you to think about what you are missing and what you would love to do when all this is over. Write 10 things you ate looking forward to doing when we can all get out again and see each other.

If you want to you could cut these out, fold them up and pop them in a jar or a pot then when this is over you can pick them out one at a time and do what it says!

Some extra activities

Here a few more ideas and activities if you want to have a go!

Have a go at doing this with string maybe!!

Saw this which could be fun!

This is quite a good website with fun maths ideas and activities, free to register!

Day in school

We had a great day in school and have been very busy!

An important message for you all

Dear Mums,
Please remember one thing on your list of 400 today..
You are not a teacher. You are a parent.
You’re not home schooling, you’re ‘crisis’ schooling.
You cannot possibly become a skilled professional overnight and do it whilst the world around you crumbles and grinds to a halt.
Your job is to continue some sort of a ‘fun’ learning structure, with love.
Patience above anything.
That’s your goal every day.
To not feel so strangled by the pressure, that you transfer it over in the form of ‘yes you can do this you’re not listening’….
This is hard.
I mean, it’s really hard.
If you get through this with nothing achieved or ‘taught’ but you kept everyone safe and calm…
You are a warrior.
The kids will learn when they are back in school.
From you, right now, they will learn that they are loved and that their Mummy is a legend.
She held it together.
That’s enough.
It’s so very much enough.
When her hard times come, she will look back, straighten her crown and remember whose daughter she is.
Or he will remember whose son he is.
And that, is pretty amazing work, if you ask me.
You’ve got this.
We’ve got this.
Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay home.


This maths practice and learning book is currently free for the downloadable kindle version….

Challenge time!

Amazing work on today’s Challenge, huge well done to you all. Some super maths work has been done today ???

Today’s challenge is Maths! You have to write as many number sentences as you can to make 46! They can be add + subtract – and times x and you could even try putting more than 2 numbers in the number sentence e.g. 20+11+6+9=46

Try and challenge yourself!

Scavenger hunts!

Here are some fun ideas for some scavenger hunts.


Absolutely fantastic responses to today’s challenge! You have created and completed some fantastic obstacle courses and shown some great skills. Well done all of you, superstars!

Another day….another challenge!

Today’s challenge is to create an obstacle course in the garden. Think about things to climb over, crawl under, balance on, jump from, throw balls into. Have fun making it then completing it!

Here is an extra Maths challenge you can try

Story time! Monkey Puzzle


Hull Streetlife Museum may be closed but you can still explore more than 200 years of transport history from the comfort of your own home. Enjoy a free virtual tour of the museum by visiting :

Challenge 2-

I absolutely loved all of your postcards you have been writing from all over the world, Devon, Africa, Ibiza, America, absolutely fantastic writing being done!

Today’s challenge is to write a postcard from your dream holiday destination! Think about where you would love to go on holiday, it could be anywhere in the world. What would you do there? What is the weather like? Who would you go with? Maybe research the destination to find out more about it. Draw a picture and write a postcard giving lots of information about your holiday!

This is where my holiday would be to….

Home Learning Week 2

I hope you are excited for another week of learning. I will be setting new daily challenges for you and can’t wait to see what you get up to!

We had lots of fun in our house this weekend with Googles 3D animals. If you type in one of the animals on the list into Google, scroll down until you see ‘View in 3D’ then ‘view in your space’ follow the instructions and the animal will appear in your room in 3D!


Here are a few craft ideas:

If you have any empty toilet roll or kitchen roll tubes, get creative and see what you can make, here are some fun ideas!

If you have any empty egg cartons, here are a few fun ideas to keep you busy!

Monday’s challenge

Challenge 5-

Amazing counting and bingo games were played today! Well done!

Today’s challenge is to play a maths game with a pack of cards. You can make up your own game or play one of the games below. If you don’t have a pack of cards just write down numbers 1-10, 4 times on pieces of paper. You don’t need the picture cards, Jack, Queen, King and Ace will be number 1. Have fun counting!!

Home Learning Update

Mrs Atkinson and I just wanted to say a huge thank you and well done to you all for your efforts this week. The children look like they have been having lots of fun with lots of outdoor learning. We know it isn’t easy juggling everything but you are all doing an amazing job ??? please be proud of what you and your children have achieved this week, we certainly are! Now have a relaxing and restful weekend and we will be back on Monday with more challenges and fun ideas for you all. ?

As well as all the challenges you have been completing here are some pictures of other fun activities you have been up to!

A super fun art activity in this sunny weather! Draw the shadows that you toys make on the paper.

As we are all spending more time online during this time, there are some great new resources and home learning packs to help support safety online. Packs are available for different age ranges through the link below.

Following our fantastic visit from local author Andi Dawson at the beginning of the month, she has now posted storytime videos on her Youtube channel :

As well as creating lots of free resources and activities linked to her stories which you can download and complete:

There are also some good activities you can download for free in Key Stage Packs from Teachers Pet:

Daily Diary

If you aren’t already, completing a daily diary of what you have done each day is a great way to keep practising your handwriting and phonics, spelling out your words and using capital letters and full stops for your sentences. It will also be something to keep and look back at in years to come.


The maths factor is a great website that is currently free!!

Daily Challenges

Challenge 4-

So impressed by all your boats you have been making today! Massive well done to you all ???
Hope you all enjoyed making them and testing them.
You are all superstars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Last Challenge of the week! Today’s challenge is to make a boat that will float, it can be made from anything you like, Lego, junk modelling, play dough, absolutely anything you can think of. Make the boat then test it to see if it will float, you could test it in a bucket of water in the garden or in the bath. If it doesn’t float, can you adapt it and change it so it does float! Good luck and have fun!

Challenge 3-.

So impressed with your number hunting and ordering today! Well done everyone who completed today’s challenge. You are all superstars ? Keep up the fantastic and work!

Today’s challenge is a number hunt! Write a selection of numbers between 1 and 100 on scraps of paper. Get someone to hide them around the house or garden for you, go on a number hunt to find them all then put them in order from smallest to largest! Good luck and happy hunting!

Challenge 2-

Well done to everyone who completed today’s challenge! I was impressed with all of your writing and really enjoyed reading them.

Todays challenge is to write a letter to a friend who you can’t see at the minute. Tell them what you have been doing and ask them some questions about what they have been doing. You could take a photo of your letter and ask a parent to send it to your friend. They might write a letter back to you!

Thank you and well done to everyone who completed today’s challenge!! Be ready for another one tomorrow!

Challenge 1-

Go on a Minibeast hunt in the garden. Record what you find, draw a picture, label it and write about each minibeast and where you found it. Happy Hunting!

Year 1 expectations

Here are the end of year expectations for a Year 1 child. Hopefully it will provide some guidance about what we teach them in school and what they are expected to be able to do by the end of the year. Drop me an email if you have any questions.

Websites and Ideas

For Maths ideas for learning 2D and 3D shapes there are lots of ideas on this website:

Joe Wickes will be doing a PE lesson every day from 9am

Outdoor Art activities

Follow the link to watch the pandas, tigers, penguins and koalas live from Edinburgh Zoo:

More arts and crafts ideas on this website: