Good morning Class 1. We had a really productive day yesterday. The children in school did lots of work and then got busy helping to get our classroom set up for when we all return. We even set Mr Todd…
Monday 1st March
Well done Class 1. We have made it to March and fingers crossed our last week of home learning. We are so excited to see you in school next week – Mrs Plant is really excited to meet the whole…
Friday 26th February
What a super week you have all had! Well done for keeping up all the hard work and such a great effort by you all. 👏🏻 Today’s Tasks Reading Story Challenge Mathematics Music RE End of the day Story Reading…
Thursday 25th February
Good morning everyone. We really enjoyed seeing all your Design Technology work yesterday. We can’t wait to see what vehicles you design and make when we return to school. Today’s Task Phonics English Mathematics Physical Education Computing End of day…
Wednesday 24th February
It seems like you have done so much work already this week. We love looking at everything you send in, however we can’t wait until you are all back in school. Not long now!! We thought we would share some…
Tuesday 23rd February
Well done Class 1 for a super start to a new half term. We have had lots of great work already. Today’s Tasks Phonics English Mathematics Science End of day story Phonics Now you are going to write 4 sentences,…
Monday 22nd February
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term break! Today’s Tasks Phonics English Maths Theme End of the day Story Phonics This week we are going to look at the oo sound which can be spelt, ew, ue,…
Friday 12th February
Wow Class 1. We can’t believe that we have come to the end of a whole half term already. The work you have done has been amazing. We are so proud of each and every one of you. We would…
Thursday 11th February
Good morning Class 1. We hope you have managed to enjoy some more time in the snow before it disappears. We borrowed the wheelbarrows from Foundation Stage yesterday and had lots of fun transporting the snow around at playtime. Today’s…
Wednesday 10th February
We thought we’d start the day by looking at some of your snow day photographs. Even though you were having lots of fun, you still managed to fit in some work as well. How amazing are all of you! Just…