Monday 8th February

Good morning Class 1. I don’t know about you, but we are hoping for a bit of snow this week. We will add a snow activity each day in the hope that we get lucky.

We have also added some snow related tasks to Purple Mash for you to complete over the week.

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Theme
  • Snow Writing
  • End of the day Story


This week we will be looking at the different ways of spelling the long o sound.

oa, ow, oe, o-e

Just like we have done the last 2 weeks we are going to put the different o words into a table!

Remember you can make lots of games to help you learn these too. You can play the one we have been doing with bits of paper oon the floor and going to the correct one when someone gives you a word or have a go at making a new one!

Alfie and I played this one last week for the igh words but can you do one for the o words?


This weeks spellings!

Keep practising them and when you ae ready try the Quiz on Purple mash.


This week we are going to look at the book The Smeds and The Smoos by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.
The book is a rhyming book.

Click on the picture below to listen to an online version. Or you can listen to me reading it.

As you listen see if you can jot down any rhyming words as you go along.

I wonder how many rhyming words you spotted.

Your task is to write as many words as you can think of to rhyme with the words below.

Bill, hill, …

Red, head, …

Behind, mind, …

Night, bright, …

When you have found some see if you can put them into sentences. Here is an example. Can you spot all the rhyming words?

A blue Smoo sat in glue, but his crew came to the rescue.


Linked to our Connect 4 game last week, we would like you to start with a quick addition game.

Next we are going to be looking at Fact Families. Watch the video below then have a go at the worksheet and the online game or if you prefer make your own fact family rockets.


Today I would like you to look at putting different types of air travel in chronological order starting with the one you think flew first. Discuss your choices with a family member.

Have you travelled in any of these types of transport already?

Which ones would you like to travel in? Why?

Air travel has changed a lot over the years, but I wonder how we will be travelling in the future. If you want an extra challenge, why don’t you design an aircraft of the future. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Image result for aircraft of the future
See the source image

Snow Writing

I bet you all love to write your name in the snow, but how do you do it?

Do you use your finger? Your feet? A stick?

Image result for writing in the snow
Image result for writing in the snow with feet

Why not have a go at writing a message for others to read?

End of the day Story

Spectacular Space by Tom Fletcher Part 1

Friday 5th February

Well done Class 1. Yet again you have astounded us with all your fantastic learning both at home and in school. It is lovely to see all the photos and videos that you share through Seesaw. Apologises if your photos do not appear below but the Blog has been a bit temperamental this week. Sadly many of the photographs of you dressed in bright clothes didn’t want to upload, however we still do have lots of celebration photographs to share.

Today’s Tasks

  • Reading
  • English
  • Maths
  • R.E.
  • Extra Challenges


Practice all your ie sounds by reading this book on epic!

You could try the quiz at the end if you want.


We are going to have some fun with today’s task as you have all worked so hard this week on your space mission!

Here are the pictures from the book below so you can have a closer look.

You can choose whether you want to write a short story or draw some labelled pictures about what you would choose for another space adventure, or record yourself telling me about what you would choose and why!


It’s board games Friday. You can have a go at any games or puzzles that you have at home, but here is my game for this week – Connect 4!

See the source image

Connect 4 can be use to make up lots of addition an subtraction sums. After a game, why not take a row to make up your own calculations. I’m going to use the bottom row of the image above. There are 3 red counters and 4 yellow counters, so I could do:

3 + 4 = 7

4 + 3 = 7

7 – 3 = 4

7 – 4 = 3

If I want to make it harder I could use all the counters on the board. There are 8 red counters and 9 yellow counters, so I could do:

8 + 9 = 17

9 + 8 = 17

17 – 8 = 9

17 – 9 = 8

Remember to use your equipment to help you with your adding and subtracting.

Below is a paper version to download and a link to an online game (*Play against the human for 2 player*) if you prefer.


Last week we looked at the story of Creation. This week I would like you to think about the amazing world around you.

What sights and sounds make our world special?

Have a look at the photographs below.

Image result for amazing sights
Image result for pyramids
Image result for snowman building
Image result for waterfall
Image result for amazing sights

Can you identify the things that are amazing?

Do your family members think the same as you?

Remember it is ok to think differently to someone else.

Your task is to find/take a picture of something that you find amazing in the world and write about why you think it is special.

Image result for waves crashing at high tide filey

I find the waves crashing on the sea wall at high tide amazing. I love to walk my dog and see the water splashing over the top. I could watch the waves for a long time as they are constantly changing.

Don’t worry if you don’t complete the task today. You may want to look for amazing sights whilst walking at the weekend.

Extra Challenges

Remember your extra challenges set on purple mash if you want to do them!!

Thursday 4th February

From all the photographs, it looks like you all had a lovely day yesterday doing the activities and taking time to focus on the things you enjoy.

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Maths
  • P.E
  • Computing
  • End of day story


Watch this video, try and watch it with the sound off and read along to practice your ie, i-e, gin and y words!

Now to practice both your phonics and handwriting, spin this word wheel. Write a sentence in your neatest handwriting that includes that word.

If you want to really challenge yourself, spin the wheel twice and see if you can include more than one ie word in each sentence?


You have now been on your Space mission for a week!

How is your space mission going?

What has each member of your team done?

Is everyone doing what they should be and working together?

Have you had any problems?

I need you to complete a sheet in our log book to record what you have seen and what you have done on one of your days on the mission.

Follow this link if you want to have a read of some real astronauts logs and journal.

Get someone to read a bit of it to you to help you understand what it is really like to be on a real space mission!


Today we are going to be subtracting by counting back to 10 first on our number line. Before watching the video I would like you to have a go practically to support your understanding.

Watch the video then complete the worksheet below.


Last week in school we really enjoyed the flamingo balancing challenge set by the School Sports Partnership. To carry on from this I would like you to continue with the theme of balancing by playing ‘The floor is lava’ balancing challenge.

Imagine you need to get across a floor of lava. Put cushions/tea towels on the floor to use as rocks to keep you safe. As you go from one side of the room to the other (across the lava) perform a different balance on each stone. Try and hold each balance for 3 seconds. As you move across the lava you will be creating your own balancing sequence.

If you would like a similar game you can watch the video below to play Lava Zone. You create areas of safety across the room and then find your way to them using jumps, hops and skips. To remain in the safety zone you will need to hold a balance.


If you have not had chance yet, please have a go at the space tasks added to Purple Mash at the beginning of the week.

We have also added another coding activity for you to try.

End of the day Story

Wednesday 3rd February

As today is a little bit different, we have put the photographs of your amazing work at the end of this post. We thought looking at all your achievements would be a lovely way to end the day.

Children’s mental Health week 2021

Good morning everyone. Today we are having a full day of well-being activities and challenges as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme this year is ‘Express yourself’ so read on to see what exciting activities you can take part in. If you don’t want to complete them all that’s fine and remember you can choose to do them on another day as well. Do remember to upload photos to Seesaw or email them as we love to see what you are doing.

Self-expression is a great way to free your mind. It is about finding creative ways to share feelings, thought and ideas through doing things that make you feel good. Watch the video below to find out how some people like to express themselves.

Activity 1

Our first activity is quite easy. It is to take a photo of yourself wearing your brightest clothing – that’s right, really express yourself!

Sometimes wearing bright colours can really cheer us up can’t it, especially as we are still in the middle of wintertime.

Activity 2

Our second activity on the theme of Express yourself’ is to create a self-portrait. You can do this in any way you choose; paints, felt-tips, pencil crayons, collage, you choose! If you can upload a photo of your portrait when it is completed, we can post some on the class blog and you can try and guess who’s who. Here are just a few ideas to help you.

Activity 3

You might want to spend lots of time on your self-portrait but when you are ready to move on you can try the Squiggle challenge.

Watch this short clip to get the idea.

Now you know what to do, have a go at creating your own squiggle drawing. What will you end up with?

Activity 4

If you would rather make something than draw something, have a go at making this cute origami dog then give him a name!

How could you personalise you dog? Add some googly eyes maybe if you have some, or use some sparkly glitters or anything else that you can find.

Activity 5

For our next activity, you will need some of your family or your classmates to join in.

Imagine you have been stranded on a desert island. (Don’t worry a ship comes to rescue you later).  You have to use your imagination to share these ideas and take turns to listen to everyone else’s ideas.

What did you find out? Where your ideas the same or different to everyone else’s? Remember it is ok to express yourself differently.

Activity 6

It’s really important to be able to express ourselves to people that we trust so that they can help us understand our feelings. Have a look at these emotion and situation cards and talk about them. Can you match up which emotion might go with each situation? You might choose more than one emotion for each situation.

Imagine if your friends were feeling one of the emotions above. What could you say or do? What would you want a friend or someone in your family to say to you or do for you if you felt that way?

Activity 7

People express themselves in many different ways. If you want to jot down your ideas on what your personality is like and how you like to express yourself then complete the worksheet below.

Activity 8

Create paper chains of kindness.

Cut some strips of paper, you can use coloured paper or plain paper and decorate them with patterns, colours and pictures.

On each strip write a word or a short sentence to show how you can be kind to someone else or show kindness to someone else.

Now you have all your strips, stick them together to create a chain!
Hang your chain up somewhere to remind you each day of how you can show kindness to others.

Activity 9

You could also have a go at this word search to remind yourself of just some of the ways you might choose to express yourself.

Activity 10

Just do something that you enjoy and makes you feel happy. It might be dancing around the front room, baking, building models from Lego, spending time with your pets, acting out stories with your toys, playing games with your family, …..

We hope you enjoy your day and look forward to seeing what you get up to.

Your amazing work!

Tuesday 2nd February

What a fantastic start to the week. Well done everyone.

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • End of the day Story


Have a go at playing this game. Pick the card with the correct spelling on to match the picture.



You were successful in your job applications and are now ready to undergo your training to become an astronaut and head out on your first mission!

However, you can’t go on this mission alone, you need to get a team together for your trip.

I want you to think about what sort of jobs you will need people to do and what skills will these people need for you to take them with you on your space mission.

You are going to create a job advert to try and get a space crew together!

I will read a few pages from this book to help give you some ideas!

Talk through your ideas with a family member. Think about the crew you will need and talk about all the duties they will do. Try to come up with at least 4 crew members to advertise for.

PilotIt will be your role to fly the shuttle and be in charge of the crew.

When you are happy with your ideas you can use the template to create your own advert or if you prefer you can design your own.

Extra Challenges!

  • Hold interviews for members of your family if they want to apply for one of the jobs. Do they have the skills they need?
  • Can you assign someone you know to each job? Why would they be good at it?
  • Make badges for each member of your team!


Today we are going to be looking at subtracting by counting back using a number track or a number line.

Number Track
See the source image
Number line

To get you ready for our work today we are going to continue to practise counting backwards.

Write the numbers 11 to 20 on separate pieces of paper. Place them face down. Take it in turns to pick one up and count down from that number to 0.

Watch the video, then have a go at the worksheet underneath. I have also added links to some fun subtraction games for you to try.


Today we are going to be looking at floating and sinking.

See the source image

We would like you to explore the questions – Do all hard materials sink? Do all soft materials float?

There is a video to follow on Oak Academy, but I know some of us have had a few problems loading videos.

If you are able to follow the video you will need:a piece of paper and a pencil, a coin or small metal object, a cotton ball or pad, stones, a pencil and a bowl of water. Otherwise you can choose your own objects for the investigation.

You could also make up your own floating/sinking experiment using other ideas, such as:

Do all metal objects sink?

Do all flat objects float? Do all round objects sink?

DON’T FORGET TO MAKE PREDICTIONS – ‘I think the coin will sink because it feels heavy and when you throw them in a wishing well they go to the bottom.’

Floating Challenge

Can you make a boat that floats?

Once your boat floats, predict how many coins you think you would need to add to make it sink. Then test out your prediction.

Who will be able to add the most coins to their boat without it sinking? The challenge is on Class 1!!


End of the day Story

We have already looked at a few pages from this book but I thought it would be nice for you to hear the whole book altogether!

Monday 1st February

Good morning Class 1. We hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for the new week of learning ahead.

This week is Children’s Mental Health week and Key Stage One will be celebrating this with a whole day of well-being activities on Wednesday.

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • Spellings
  • English
  • Maths
  • Theme
  • Extra Challenges of the week
  • End of the day Story


igh, ie, y and i-e words.

You could have a go at playing this game again…


Here is this weeks spellings list.

They are all compound words which means they are 2 separate words that are put together to make a new word!

Have a go at the quiz set on purple mash later in the week to test yourself!


Job application

Can you imagine what it would be like to be an astronaut? What things would you do? What skills would you need?

Today you are going to write a job application to become an astronaut! Have a really good think about the skills you will need and why you would be so good at the job!

Now have a go at writing your application to be an astronaut. You can write this as a letter and explain why you want to be an astronaut and what would make you a good astronaut.

Remember to think about what skills you have that would be good and give some examples too!

You can use this template as a guide on how to set your application letter out.

We hope you are successful!
Good luck!


This week we are going to be looking at subtraction so I would like you to practise counting backwards. Imagine you are an astronaut counting down to blast off.

Can you count down from 10? 15? 20? or even from 50?

You may need your 100 square to help you.

Watch the video and have a go at the worksheet underneath.

Show your calculations in a practical way to help with understanding.


Today I would like you to find out about ‘The Wright Brothers’. They were famous for inventing something. I wonder if you can guess what it might be?

Using the document below or your own research try and answer the following questions.

What were the brothers called?

What did they invent?

What made them want to fly?

What helped the brothers understand how to make wings?

How long was the first flight?

How do you think they felt when their invention was successful?

Can you make a paper plane using ideas from the shape of birds wings?

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

How far will your plane travel? How long will it stay up in the air? Let us know how you get along.

Extra challenges for the week!

I have set you some fun, extra challenges on Purple Mash this week, do them as and when you feel like it!

End of the day Story

Friday 29th January

A big thumbs up Class 1 for all your hard work this week. You are superstars!!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy looking at all the fantastic things you have done over the last few days.

Today’s Task

  • Phonics
  • Reading
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • RE
  • End of the day story


Today we are going to listen to a story. I have chosen this story as it has lots of ai words in it.

As you listen to it, write down all the ai, ay and a-e words you hear. Did you spell them correctly?!
Alfie helped read this story but he was a bit of a tinker so I do apologise!


Practice your ai, ay, a-e words by reading this book on epic!

Janey Crane


Today you can finish off any work from the week that you need to or try and edit and improve the work you did yesterday or have a go at some independent writing using one of the Pobble pictures below.


We are really enjoying playing games on a Friday and last week in school we challenged ourselves to complete a jigsaw in a certain amount of time.

I have added some ideas for addition games below or you could set yourself a timed challenge for a bit of fun.

Why not play an addition game to practise your bonds to 20.

I have added a blank grid if you want to make your own.

Card games

Game 1 – Use your cards Ace to 9. Play the game in the style of snap but if you get a bond to 10 shout ‘Bond’.

Game 2 – Use your cards Ace to 9 for 2 suits. Lay them out face down. Take it in turns to turn over two cards. If you get a pair that make a bond to 10 you get to keep them. Who will have the most cards at the end?

Game 3 – Use your cards Ace to 9. Spread them out face up on the floor. Time yourself. How quickly can you make all the bonds to 10?

Dominoes – Can you sort your dominoes into 3 piles – adds to less than 10, adds to 10, adds to more than 10? Guess which pile will have the most before you begin.


Today we are going to look at the second part of our music lesson based on the story Tiddilik the Frog. I wonder if you were like the children in school and asked to hear the second part of the story before today because they really wanted to find out what happened. I have added the links for both part 1 and part 2 in case you missed the lesson last week. Just don’t forget to scroll down to find the story.

Part 1

Part 2

In the second part of Tiddalik the Frog the thirsty animals visit the wise Wombat. He tells them to stage a ‘Funny Show’ for Tiddalik: if they can make the frog laugh all the water might come out of his belly. Watch the video using the Part 2 link above to learn the song.

In the song the music changes tempo (speed of the music) to show how the animals are feeling. At the beginning they are anxious because they are so thirsty, then they are sad that Tiddalik has drank all the water, but at the end they are happy because they have a good idea to make him laugh and get the water out.

Think about how different music makes you feel.

What songs make you happy?

What tempo creates a sad feeling?

Could you play an instrument in different ways to create different feelings for the audience?

Can you sing a sentence in different ways to show different emotions?


Story of Creation

Watch this video which tells the Story of Creation.


You have a choice of tasks to complete:

  • Act out or create a scene to show each day of creation and take a photo or video to show the 7 days of creation.
  • Choose your favourite day of creation and draw a picture showing what happened on that day.

End of the day Story

Thursday 28th January

Such super art work yesterday Class 1. We couldn’t help but share some of your ideas!

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • PE
  • Computing
  • End of day story


Explore some of these games using the link below to practice your ai, ay and a-e words.

You could make your own game to practice these words.


Did Baby Bear have the right equipment to go to the moon?

What do you think you would need if you were going to travel into space?

Today I want you to design a space rocket, a space suit, helmet and boots for going into space.

What will they need to have in order for them to be effective and to protect you in space?

You will need at add clear labels to your design and then write a short explanation of each one explaining how they work, what they are made of and how they will help you in Space!

Extra Challenge!

Have a go at making a model of your rocket or some of the equipment you would take into space!


First I would like you to practise your part whole models. Choose a number as your whole. How many different ways can you do your part whole model?

In today’s lesson we will be adding by making 10. It will be helpful to have your tens grids and 20 counters/objects ready.

Work through the video and then complete the worksheet ready to download underneath.


The School Sports Partnership have sent us 3 new challenge videos for you to have a go at.

The first is all about balancing on one leg like a flamingo and creating a sequence of movements so no equipment is needed. Click on link below the flamingo to find out more.

The second requires a skipping rope and for the last one you will need a ball.

Send in your photographs/videos so we can see how you get along. Good luck Class 1.


Don’t forget to check out the PE Blog as well to find out more about the keepy-uppy challenge set by Mr Barnes.


Linking to our space theme and our coding, have a go at this game:

Select the right commands to get to each rock by moving forwards and backwards the right distance and then turning to the right angle, then select the magnifying glass to analyse the rock, it took me a few attempts to get it right so keep going and I’m sure you will do better than me!


Wednesday 27th January

Good morning Class 1 – Don’t forget today is the start of our ‘Sow a Seed’ project. Packets of seeds will be left outside school along the path near the cycle rack.  Please come and take a packet of seeds from your class box and then get planting. We can’t wait to see all the photographs of your achievements.

Speaking of achievements. Here are some photographs of all the amazing things you have been up to already this week.

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Art
  • Wellbeing Wednesday
  • End of day story


Watch this video, try and watch it with the sound off and read along to practice your ai, ay and a-e words!

Now have a go at writing 3 sentences using some of the ai, ay and a-e words you have read.

Can you include more than one ay, ai or a-e word into your sentence?


Following on with our work on Whatever Next, today’s task is to write a set of instructions for what you need to go to the moon like Baby bear did.

To start we are going to learn more about instructions by watching this video,

Go back and listen to the story again to make sure you include everything you need and every step that Baby bear takes to get to the moon and back. Then use the checklist below and collections of boost verbs and time connectives to help you.

Remember to write each instruction as simply as possible in numbered steps.


Before today’s video you might want to have a practise at your number bonds to 10.

How fast can you find the pairs to 10 to free the whale? Click on the picture below to play.

Or you could roll a dice then say the number you would add to it to make 10. If you have two dice you could roll them and if it makes a bond to ten shout ‘BOND’.

We are going to be looking at how we can use our number bonds to 10 to help us learn our number bonds to 20.

During the video Tiny asks you to use your number bonds to 10 to make your number bonds to 20. Practising in a practical way first will help with understanding.

Below is the worksheet to go along with the video. If you don’t want to do question 4, that is absolutely fine.


Christopher Corr

Today I want you to be creative and recreate one of Christopher Corrs images by creating a collage using items of clothing or different materials you can find in your house. It could be Lego bricks, bits of paper, anything you can find!

Choose one of these images:

Here is my attempt!

Art challenge!

Make a colour mixing wheel

Follow the instructions or the video to make a color mixing wheel.

Did you notice that the colors you put on the Color Mixing Wheel were the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow?

Once you start spinning the wheel, what do you notice about each of the three colored circles on the cardboard disc?

What do you think makes this happen?

Extra Challenge

You could have a go at making some simple colour changing spinning tops:

Well being Wednesday

Kindness is my Super power!

We have done lots of work on being kind to others so today I want us to think about how we can be kind to ourselves.

What can we do to keep ourselves happy and healthy?


Tuesday 26th January

Wow – what an amazing start to the week. There was so much good work sent in yesterday, I don’t know where to start. Writing, acting, adding, drawing, creating, experimenting….. The list goes on.

Although a number of you send pictures every day, some of you send them weekly or save up a few and send them all together. In order to relieve the daily pressure a little bit and hopefully share more of the same activities together, we will be uploading your photos and videos on Wednesday and a Friday. So if Monday is anything to go by we will have lots to share tomorrow.

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • End of day story


Have a go at this quiz, picking the correct spelling for the objects with ai, ay a-e sounds.


Web link:


Write a postcard to Mummy bear from Baby bear from the Moon!

Pretend you are baby bear and tell Mummy bear all about your trip.

Add lots of detail and description and think about…

  • What you saw?
  • Who you saw?
  • What you did?
  • What did it feel like?
  • Have you had a nice time?
  • Would you go back again?

Remember to use some of the questions you thought of yesterday and the answers you gave as Baby bear to help you!

You could use a template like the ones below or just write your postcard in your books.

When you have written the postcard think about what picture you can draw for the front to show his adventure!



Our next lesson delivered by White Rose Maths looks at using our knowledge of tens and ones.

It helps children to recognise that 13 + 5 is the same as 15 + 3 as they both have one ten and eight ones = 18.

It also shows them that 13 + 5 is the same as 5 + 13 as you can add in any order.

Although it does not show it in the video, it is worth making the additions out of tens rods and ones to help reinforce the idea.

The worksheet to accompany the video is below.


Today we will be learning about different properties of materials. Some of you may have made a start on this last week if you did the ‘Feely Bag’ activity. However today you will be introduced to more scientific words to describe a materials properties.

Watch the video from Oak Academy to learn more.

Below are some additional activities that you may wish to have a go at.

Can you find? – Search for objects around your house according to their properties.

Can you find me an opaque object?

Can you find me a transparent object?

Find out more – This week I would like you to find out about metal.

Where does it come from?

What are its properties?

What can it be used for?

Experiment – Why not experiment making slides out of different materials.

What properties make for a good slide?

Which slide is the fastest?

Can you slow objects down on a slide?
