Monday 25th January

Good morning Class 1. We hope that you have all had a lovely weekend.

Did you get to enjoy the cold weather?

Walking on the crispy, frozen grass and crunching through frozen sand on the beach is so much fun! I wonder how many of you drew pictures or wrote messages in the frost.

Today’s Tasks

  • Phonics
  • Spellings
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Theme
  • End of day story


ay, ai and a-e

Play a game

You could have a go at playing a game to help you remember all the different ai words.


These are the spellings for this week, learn them throughout the week then have a go at the Quiz set for you 2do on Purple mash.

This week we are going to start looking at what we need if we were going to go into space.

We will begin by reading to story, Whatever next by Jill Murphy.

This story starts with a question “Can I go to the moon?”

What is a question?


Write a list of questions that you could ask Baby bear about his trip to the moon.

What do you want to find out?

What do you want to ask him?

Do you want to know any extra details or information about what he did?

When you have your list of questions I want you to do some hot seating! We have done this before in school, you are going to be the character of Baby bear. Get a member of your family to ask you the questions you have written and try and answer them as if you were Baby bear!
What did he do, hear, see, smell, taste?

Here are a few ideas if you need some help to get you going!

Challenge for the week:

Have a go at retelling the story, have some fun with it!
Alfie loved doing this.


This week we are going to be looking at addition. We are starting by using our knowledge of counting on. We are going to be following a lesson delivered by White Rose Maths. It uses a number line up to 20, however you can use your green/yellow ruler as a number line to help you count on or your 100 square.

Below is the worksheet to download which goes with this lesson.

If you would like a further challenge, create your own problems to go with the additions below. Remember to think about which number you will count on from to make it easier when solving them.

9 + 5 =

6 + 17 =

11 + 4 =

Here’s a reminder of the ant problem as an example.


Up, up and away! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly in a hot air balloon, soaring among the clouds? Hot air balloons have been around since 1783, making them the oldest form of human flight.

Choose one or more of the tasks below to learn more about hot air balloons. Below is a link to a video to get you started.

Task 1 – Create your own Fact File like the ones below. I have added questions under each image that you might want to find the answers to.

Where did the first flight take place?
What animals went in the first flight?
What are the 3 main parts of a hot air balloon called?
Where does the largest balloon festival take place?

Task 2 – Imagine you are in a hot air balloon and flew over Brandesburton.

Do you think you would like to be that high up?

What places would you see?

Where might be a good place to land?

Draw a picture or write about what you would see and how you would feel.

Task 3 – Can you make a hot air balloon that actually flies?

We can’t wait to see what you find out and remember you can send in photographs of your tasks whenever you complete them.

End of the day Story

Friday 22nd January

Well we are at the end of another week. You are all working so hard and we are incredibly proud of all the great work you are sharing. Stay positive, keep motivated and continue to stay in touch if you need any support.

Today’s tasks:

  • Reading
  • English
  • Maths
  • RE
  • End of the day Story


Read Suzy the Mule on epic!

It has lots of split digraphs in it so remember them!

Now complete the quiz about the story.


Pobble writing

You did so well with your pobble writing last week, let’s do some more great writing today!

Choose the picture you want to write about and focus on adding great description and vocabulary to your sentences.

Extra activity

Now you have finished writing your fantastic space adventure stories about Grandpa and Tony, imagine your new space story is going to be made into a book. Think of a title for it and design the front cover.

Don’t forget to put your own name on as the author!


Just like last week, I would like you to take some time to play a game. Here are a couple of ideas linked to comparing/ordering numbers.

Why not use a pack of cards to play ‘Play your cards right’. Can you guess whether the next card will be higher or lower?

If you would like an online version click on the image below.

Play a similar game but use dominoes. To make it more fun try this – If you guess correctly you can stand another domino up, but if you guess incorrectly you have to knock them down. How long can you make your row of dominoes before it gets knocked down?

If you want you could have a go at inventing your own game which involves comparing/ordering numbers.


The story of Zacchaeus


Can you draw a picture of Zacchaeus in the Sycamore tree?

End of the day story

Mr Pattacake and the Space Mission Part 5

Thursday 21st January

Good morning Class 1. What a fantastic week we are having so far. There has been so much good work sent through to us and the children in school have been working incredibly hard too. We are really looking forward to reading your stories – you had some super ideas.

Today’s tasks:

We have added quite a few tasks today, but just choose the ones that work best for your family.

  • Phonics
  • Spellings
  • English
  • Maths
  • Music
  • Computing
  • PE
  • End of the day Story

Watch this video and practice your o-e and u-e sounds. Join in!!


Now have a go at practising you spellings on purple mash – Set as a 2do.


I want you to continue working on your story today.

When you have finished, read it back through and check it. Have you used capital letters and full stops correctly? Are your letters formed the right way? Do all the sentences make sense? Take a different coloured pen or pencil and make any corrections you need to over the top.

Why don’t you video yourself reading your completed story, or post a photograph of your work and maybe voice record a narrative over it.


Yesterday you did a great job at looking at which numbers were less than, equal to or greater than another number using symbols, words and equipment.

Today we are going to have a look at ordering several numbers. I will talk you through it in the video, but if you feel your child is confident you can go straight to the tasks.

Equipment: 100 square, tens rods and ones, paper and pencil.

Click on the link below to take you to an ordering game. It is a good one to use as you are able to set the level according to your child’s understanding.

If you would like a worksheet to practise ordering, please download the one below.


On our last Music lesson we asked you to listen to one of your favourite songs and answer questions about it. This week we are going to learning the first part of a song based on the story Tiddalik the Frog.

If you want to read part 1 of the story first you can download the document below or click on the image to take you to an online animated version.

Click then scroll down on the page to find the story.

Click on the picture below. Listen to Rebecca and Andy from Cbeebies as they teach you the song.

Can you practise clapping words from the song just like Rebecca and Andy?

‘Tiddalik the frog’ Tidd – a – lik the frog

‘he was bursting’

‘started snoring’

‘What a thing to do!’

When Tiddalik is asleep he makes lots of noises – snored, grumbled, swish, rumble.

Can you make these noises? You might use your voice, your body or an object from around your house.

Why not have a go at making different animal noises? You could use animals from the story/song or choose some of your own.


Always remember to keep yourself safe online.

On Purple Mash I would like you to have a go at some of the challenges on 2Go to practise giving simple instructions.


Start on the first challenge as they get more difficult as you go along.


I am posting the PE activity today but you can do this today, tomorrow or on another day!

Lesson 2 of our Gymnastics – Shapes

End of the day Story

Mr Pattacake and the Space Mission Part 4

Wednesday 20th January

You worked so hard yesterday and we loved your alien conversations! Well done for getting your family involved!

Today’s tasks:

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Maths
  • Art
  • Wellbeing Wednesday
  • End of the day story


Practice your split digraphs using these wordsearches!


Today your task is to plan and start work on a new adventure in space for Tony and grandpa.
What could happen?
Will they visit the planet where the alien lives that he spoke to yesterday or will they blast off to the moon?
Perhaps they land on a new planet that hasn’t been discovered yet, it’s up to you as it’s your story. 

Don’t forget to use lots of description in your writing so that we can paint a picture of what is happening in our heads.

How is Tony feeling? Nervous, excited or both?

You can use the word bank to help you and if you want to plan your story first you could do this using a storyboard or a story mountain like the ones shown below.

This is quite a long task so I have given you 2 days to complete it, don’t try and get it all done today, this will be your task for tomorrow too!

Here is a word bank to help you


Get your Maths equipment ready then work your way through the video.

Today’s task is to write your own True or False statements using the =, < and > symbols or vocabulary, then prove if they are True or False using your Mathematics equipment and knowledge.


Colour wheels

A colour wheel shows us how colours are related. They remind artists how to mix and think about colors.

There are 3 primary colours that make the basis of all other colours. Do you know what these are?

When you mix the primary colours to make a new colour, these are called secondary colours. There are 3 secondary colours. Can you work out what these are?

I want you to create your own colour wheel, think about which colours need to go next to each other and be creative!

I have attached some ideas of how you could make your colour wheel, or you could try painting one on purple mash, or maybe you can think of your own!

You can also have a go at colouring in the colour wheel I have attached to help you understand how the colours lend together. Have fun!

Art / Science challenge

This task is optional and can be done at a later date.

Well being Wednesday!

Now you have watched the clip I am going to read the story:

Now have a go at this activity. Don’t worry if you can’t print just draw your picture and write 2 things you are good at!

You are all amazing and you are good at so many things!

Can you colour this in? Either print it or have a go at writing it out and colouring it in or get an adult to write it out for you!

End of the day story

Mr Pattacake and the Space Mission Part 3.

Tuesday 19th January

Yesterday’s wonderful work!

Today’s tasks:

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • End of the day story


u-e sounds

Like you did yesterday, have a go at writing a sentence with some of the u-e words from the video then pick 3 words and practice writing them in your neatest handwriting 3 times each. Check you have formed each letter correctly!


Today’s task is to think about what Tony, grandpa and the alien might say to each other.
Will the alien be friendly or not?
What might Tony want to ask the alien?
I want you to write a conversation between Tony, grandpa and the alien.

You could record the conversation in one of the ways shown below or you might think of your own way too present it!


Have a go at acting out your conversation with some of your family!

Record it and send me the video!


Well this has taken me a while to get my head around, so fingers crossed it works Class 1.

Have your Maths resources ready before we begin. The worksheet you need to complete after the video is below.

Did you spot when I said the wrong number?


Last week you found lots of objects around your house made from different materials. To investigate further different objects and identify what materials are used to make them, watch the lesson below from Oak Academy.

You may be confident that your child knows the difference between an object and the material it is made from, so here are some additional activities you may wish to have a go at.

Feely Bag – Get a bag/pillow case and secretly put in an object.

Can you describe how it feels? (hard, soft, cold, squashy, smooth, bumpy ….)

What object do you think it is?

Can you tell what material it is made from?

Find out more – We are going to take a material each week to find out a little bit more about. This week I would like you to find out about wood.

Where does it come from?

How does it feel?

What can it be used for?

Experiment – In the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’ the wolf was able to blow the house made from sticks down.

Can you make a stick house that will not be blown down?

Why not try different ways to blow it down – you could blow on it, use a hairdryer or put it outside in the wind.

This activity may take you several days so just post your responses when you are ready.

Remember you don’t have to do all the activities, choose the one/s which you think are best for your family.

End of the day story.

Mr Pattacake and the Space Mission Part 2

Monday 18th January

What a super end to our week we had, here are a few of the wonderful things you did on Friday and over the weekend!

Today’s tasks

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Maths
  • Theme
  • End of the day story


o-e sounds

Watch this video and join in!

Pick 3 of the words and write them into a sentence.

Now pick 3 different words and practice writing them in your neatest handwriting.


Now that you have watched the full video and know what adventures Tony gets up to with his grandpa, we are going to focus on Tony’s trip into space where he and grandpa see an alien spaceship.

Imagine the alien spaceship beams them up! Can you describe one of the aliens on the spaceship?

Really use your imagination to describe what the alien looks like in detail.

When you have finished your description you can draw a picture of your alien and later in the week we might be able to post some of your pictures and your descriptions and see if you can match them up.


Today we are going to try one of the lessons from White Rose Maths. Below is a link to the video for the lesson and the worksheet which it will ask you to complete as you go along. All your practical work last week should help you. Don’t forget to use your Maths equipment to support you. Also continue to practise counting in tens and ones to check your answers, so if it says ‘2 tens and 4 ones equals 24’ check by counting 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

Question 2

You could make these numbers using any of your ways from last week.

Good luck and let us know how you get along. If you want an extra challenge you could also make your own true/false questions, using different representations of numbers, for the class to solve later in the week. Here’s an example.


Humans have always wanted to fly. Most of the early attempts were not very successful. Watch the video below and describe some of the inventions.

What inventions did you see?

Did they have anything in common?

Why do you think some were not successful?

Can you think of a way to change some of the inventions to make them work?

For today’s task I would like you to imagine that helicopters, planes, hot air balloons etc. have not been invented yet. Can you design your own invention that could allow humans to fly? You could use some of the ideas from the video to help you. Don’t forget to label or write about your invention to tell us more. Here are a few photos that might also inspire you.

End of the day story!
Mr Pattacake and the Space Mission

Friday 15th January

To all the children in Class one,

We want to say a big Well Done!

Each one of you is working hard, both in school and at home.

You clearly are all superstars and WOW, our minds are blown!

You have all worked so hard this week we want to give you a bit of a break now it is Friday. Have a go at the Phonics, Reading and Maths tasks then the rest of the activities are optional. This afternoon we want you to relax, snuggle up on the sofa and watch your favourite film! You have deserved a treat!

Today’s tasks:

  • Phonics
  • Reading
  • Maths

These tasks are optional:

  • English
  • Fun Friday Activities
  • Storytime!

Now chill out and watch your favourite film!


Have a go at this game on Phonics Bloom. Read the question and answer yes or no to let the penguin cross the bridge.

Remember to use your phonic sounds to help you read the questions!


We have assigned a book for you to read on epic!

Once you have read it there is a quiz to complete at the end of it.


You have all been doing a great job in Maths this week, so today we would like you to play a board game. Lots of board games help you to develop your counting skills. As we have been looking at numbers to 100, Snakes and Ladders might be a good one to choose. If you do not have this game, you could make your own snakes and ladders and stick them onto the 100 square with a bit of Sellotape. It’s always good to have a big snake that goes right from the top back down to the bottom!!

English (Optional)

Pobble writing

Just like we do in school on a Friday, you can have a go at doing some independent writing using a picture stimulus.

This is an independent task so the children can get on with it on their own and you can see what they can do!

You can choose which picture you want to write about then choose to write a story, a letter, a postcard, an information text or a set of instructions about it! Remember to write in clear sentences and add lots of detail with some super vocabulary.

Fun Friday Task (Optional)

Spell your name through exercises!

Use the different activities for each letter to spell out your name!

Story time! (Optional)

We thought you might like to hear a story to finish off your week!

Thursday 14th January

Another amazing day of learning yesterday Class 1, you make us so proud!

Sebby’s film trailer:

Today’s tasks:

  • Phonics
  • Handwriting
  • English
  • Maths
  • Computing
  • PE


Tricky words!

Watch this video to help you practice some of your tricky words.

The first time you watch it keep the sound on and see if you can say the word before they do, then watch it again with the sound off and see how many you get right!


Pick 5 of the tricky words from the video.

Write each word out 3 times, as neat as you can.

Now put each word into a sentence and write it out making sure you form each letter correctly and use finger spaces!


Taking Flight.

The little boy experiences lots of different feelings and emotions through this film / story.

Today I want you to draw / make a feelings graph to show the how boy’s feelings change throughout the story.

Think about what happens to the boy through the story, how that makes him feel then how those feelings change.

Keep pausing the film as you watch it to record the changes in his feelings.

Here are a few examples and templates you could use to give you an idea.


Counting/Practical – Based on what I am seeing in school and feedback, it would appear that although the children are confident at counting in tens they are finding it hard to switch between tens and ones.

Today I would like you to continue to practise using the 100 square and the base 10 equipment to count up to a number.

Moving from tens to ones

You may want to spend some time helping your child to go from the tens number to the next number and helping them to recognise where they are on the 100 square.

20 – 21 or 30 – 31 or 50 – 51

Counting to 25

You could use 2 different colour objects to cover the tens and ones as you count.

When counting 10, 20 cover the numbers with a blue counter. When counting 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 cover the number with a red counter. This will help your child to see the switch from counting in tens to counting in ones.

Encourage them to recognise that when you count in tens you move down the 100 square and when you count in ones you move across.

Write the numbers

If you child mistakenly counts 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 because they do not change to counting in ones, ask them to write the numbers as the place each block.

If they write 30 when you they get to 21, ask them to make 30 using just the ten rods. Look at the difference between the 3 tens (30) and 21. Hopefully they should begin to recognise their mistake.

Thank you for a great idea!

Why not make your own abacus. Put your tens on one stick and your ones on another to make a number.

Roll a dice to decide how many Cheerios to add to the tens and then the ones.

It looks like the number 24 (10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24) has been made so far. What number will it be when another ten is added?

Task – I would like you to show me these numbers in as many different ways as you can.

15 23 32 46

We have used tens grids, a 100 square and base 10 equipment this week, but there are lots of other ways to show numbers. I look forward to seeing all your ideas on Seesaw or through the Class 1 email.


Last week we looked at ordering instructions and using code to tell a computer what to do. Many of you had a try at the activity on Purple Mash and were able to get your fish to move up, down, left and right. Some of you even managed to get your fish to move ‘when clicked’.

When you write a code, it is easy to make mistakes. The steps might be in the wrong order, a step might be missing or it might need more detail. These mistakes are called Bugs.

Watch the clip from BBC bitesize to find out more.

BBC Bitesize –

Can you spot the bugs in these codes and write the correct ones?

Freddy is designing toy traffic lights. He programs a car to stop when the lights are red and go when the lights are green.


If red, Go.

If green, Go

Sam is writing a program for a washing machine. He needs it to wash, then rinse and then spin the clothes.





Now have a go at the Coding activity in your 2DOs on Purple Mash. Click on the videos as they will help you as you go along.

I have also added a paper coding activity below.

Help the pirate find his treasures by writing the correct code.


This term in school we would have been starting to learn some basic gymnastic skills

We are going to start with some basic balances.

Join in with this video:

Can you create some of your own balances now?

How long can you hold them for without wobbling?

Can you think of different balances on different parts of your body?

Send some pictures and videos of all your balances!

Keeping fit and healthy

I know lots of you are going for walks, bike rides and scooter rides, getting lots of fresh air but here are a couple more fun active ideas for you if you want to keep active throughout the week:

Joe Wicks is delivering live PE lessons on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 9am, these are available to do at a later date too from his YouTube channel…

Cosmic kids yoga is another fun one to do with lots of different themes to choose from….

Wednesday 13th January

I can’t tell you all enough how proud I am of you and how impressed I am with all the work and activities you are completing! It makes me smile when I see how hard you are working and how much you seem to be enjoying doing it all!
Give yourselves a big pat on the back and your mums and dads too!! ??????

Today’s tasks!

  • Phonics
  • English
  • Maths
  • Art
  • Wellbeing


I have set a 2do on Purplemash today for you to practice your a-e, e-e and i-e split digraphs


Watch the full story:

Were your predictions of what happened in the story correct?

Did you like this story?

If this story was a book it would have a blurb or if it was a longer film it would have a film trailer or advert.

Can you give a ‘snapshot’ of the story without giving the whole story away?

You could film this like a film trailer or write it like a blurb for the back of the book. Remember to give a summary and to interest the reader or viewer but leave them wanting more!

Blurb Examples | Teaching Resources


Counting – Practise counting in 10s using any of the activities from yesterday.

Next you will need your 100 square. If you have not collected yours from school yet, please use the one below on screen or download the one from yesterday.

Today we are going to practise finding numbers on a hundred square, then counting up to check we have found the correct one.

So if I say the number 25, you would circle or place an object on the number you think, then count up the tens and along the ones to check you have the correct one.

10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.

For the number 42 you would count 10, 20, 30, 40, 41, 42.

Repeat with different numbers. Talk about how they were able to find the number.

They know it comes after 20. They recognise it is in the row where the numbers with 2 tens are (excluding 10s numbers). They know it is in the column where all the numbers have 5 ones. They know it is closer to 1 than 100 so look nearer the top.

Practical – We are going to practise making numbers using our base 10 equipment.

Other options!

Don’t worry if you have not got your Maths pack yet. You can use all sorts of things for the tens rods and ones.

Spaghetti (10) and raisins (1)

French fries (10) and frozen peas (1) You may need to work quickly!!

Sticks (10) and stones (1)

or you could build them from Lego or make them from paper.

If I wanted to make 43, I would need 4 tens rods and 3 ones. Encourage your child to count in tens and then ones as they place their equipment down.

10, 20, 30, 40, 41, 42, 43

Repeat with different numbers.

You can up the challenge of the task by asking questions like:

Make me a number bigger than 30.

If I added 10 more, how many would I have now?

Make me a number smaller than 50 that has 3 ones.

Make me a number between 30 and 40. How many tens would I need?

Task – Use the tens rods and ones to help answer the questions on the worksheet below. You can print the worksheet or display on screen and talk through the answers with your child. Do not feel you have to copy out the worksheet. A comment through Seesaw is enough to explain how your child is getting along.


This is Christopher Corr’s Joy Alphabet

I want you to create the letter of your name in this style!

You could use paint, coloured pencils or collage using different colours and textures of paper stuck down.

Be creative and adventurous with colours, shapes and styles!

If you want more of a challenge you could do your whole name in the style of Christopher Corr’s Joy Alphabet letters.

I can’t wait to see them!

Here is mine,

Well being Wednesday!

I though I would share a story with you, I’m special, I’m me! by Ann Meek and Sarah Massini.

Excuse my assistant who wanted to help me!

It is really important to remember that even though we are all different we are special and being different is what helps to make us special.

I want you to think about the things that make you special!

Alfie told me the things that make him special and I wrote the, down for him. You can record yours in a similar way or take a video or be creative and think of a fun way to do it!

Tuesday 12th January

You all had a fabulous start to the week yesterday, really proud of you all!

Today’s tasks.


Don’t worry about printing, just write the words down, 1-12.

e.g. 1. snake


Look at the picture below with the boy climbing shelves in the garage.

What feelings do you get from the garage?

Is it creepy/ dusty and old/ exciting etc?

What can you see on the shelves?

What kind of things do you think might be inside the boxes in Grandpa’s garage?

Try to use descriptive language and lots of adjectives.

There are boxes with ‘photographs’ and ‘memories’ written on them – what could the things inside show?

What could the trophies be for?

·Look at the shelf you can see in the garage. Can you think of some descriptive sentences to describe where things are what they are:

E.g. ‘On the dusty shelf, there are piles of old newspapers’ Have a go with other objects that you can see.

Try and make them as descriptive and interesting as possible!


Well done everyone for all your work yesterday. We all work at different levels, so please help your child to access the work according to their ability. Again on Purple Mash you will find a talking book which will allow you to access the counting part of the lesson in a more interactive way.

Apologises Class 1 my voice recording has an echo on and it is not working properly. I will try again in the morning and send a message through Seesaw as soon as I am successful.

Counting – Practise counting forwards and backwards from any number to 50. When using larger numbers you may wish to still give your child a few numbers to help them sequence. For example, if you want them to count on from 35 start by saying 33, 34, 35,… before going straight to ‘Count forward from 35.’ Counting backwards is also more difficult and may need a lead in. If you have managed to collect your 100 square from school, see if your child can point to the corresponding numbers as they count.

Next practise counting in tens. You can do it in lots of different ways, such as

1) Just counting in 10s to 100.

2) Touch the corresponding 10s number on the 100 square/number line as you count.

3) Play Ping Pong – You say 10, your child says 20, you say 30, your child says 40 etc.

4) Roll a dice. If you roll a six, then count up 6 lots of 10 – 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.

5) Challenge 100. The aim is to get to 100 in 3 rolls of the dice or less.

1st roll – 4 (10, 20, 30, 40) 2nd roll – 2 (50, 60) 3rd roll – 3 (70, 80, 90) No I didn’t make it this time – How many more would I need to roll?

Practical – Have up to 50 objects (Pasta, Cheerios, small toys..) ready.

Today I would like you to look at counting and recording larger numbers by grouping objects into groups of 10 and counting on. For example,

How many do I have?

Place the objects on the tens frames. Remember don’t count each object.


10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Some children may count

10 20 27

as they recognise the 7 image straight away.

Encourage your child to see that they have

2 tens and 7 ones

so 27 = 2 tens and 7 ones

If you don’t have tens grids then another way is to make piles of ten objects. Count your piles in 10s and then carry on counting in ones any leftover objects that don’t make a pile of 10.

Grab a handful of objects.

Can you estimate how many there are?

Use your tens grids, or piles of 10, to help you count how many objects you have. How close were you to your estimate?

Keep practising with different amounts of objects. If your child finds it challenging keep your amount of objects below 20. Remember to encourage your child to see how many tens and ones they have.

Task – Practise counting and recording larger numbers by grouping objects into groups of 10 and counting on to answer the questions. I recognise that some children are finding it difficult to record on Seesaw so I have just done a PDF worksheet for you to print or display on screen and talk through the answers with your child.


All the things that surround us are made from different materials.

Get your thinking cap on!

How many materials can you name?

I wonder how many you managed to come up with? Have a look at the picture below. The objects are made from different materials. What do you think they are made from?

We use a wide range of different materials daily; these might include:

  • metal
  • plastic
  • wood
  • glass
  • ceramics
  • fabric
  • rubber

Choose a material that you know. Go on a hunt around your house. How many things can you find made from that material? If you know lots of different materials you could try and find an object made from each type.

Take photographs or draw the things that you find and add labels to show what they are and what they are made from.