Homework 10th June

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that we are now in the second half of the summer term! It only feels like yesterday that you were all starting your first half-term with me.

This week you have all worked really hard, particularly in Maths and English. Adults at home – the children have worked on plurals in English (leading into our work on writing instructions) and multiplication in maths. Some of us, found a few of the activities a little bit tricky, therefore I thought it would be a really good idea to have a practice at both of these skills as part of this weeks homework.

Both, the Maths and English tasks have been uploaded to Seesaw.

Submission: 17th June.

Furthermore, to support learning of multiplication children, don’t forget to check out the games on:

Next week for our homework will see a return to utilising the principles of talk for write.

Have a great weekend!!!!!

Homework – 20th May

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Another fantastic week of learning fun was had by all!

Maths Homework

This week in maths we have been learning about volume and capacity. On Seesaw I have uploaded the following worksheet for you to have a go at!


This week, we’ve had a really big push on full stops as well as first person pronouns. Although we could do with a bit of a recap on word classes. Therefore, over the next few weeks I’m going to be posting activities linked to word classes onto Seesaw. Feel free to complete on Seesaw using text boxes or the interactive pen or print and send into school. This week your focus is verb which is a doing word.

Also don’t forget about

Have a a great weekend!

Homework – 13th May

Good Afternoon Class 1!

I want to say a massive thank you for this afternoon the taste test for Design and Technology was a great success. Also I am very proud of you all for trying everything, even when you were a little bit unsure as to whether or not you would like it or not. Check out Seesaw for pictures.

Homework | The SGS Academy Trust

Maths Homework

This week in maths we have been learning about weight and mass. On Seesaw I have uploaded the following worksheet for you to have a go at!


Next week we are going to be having a big push on punctuation, therefore I want us to have a little practice with full stops. Once again on Seesaw I will be posting the following activity:

Q6 asks you to write the sentence correctly on the line. I am more than happy for you to ask your child to write the sentence on a separate piece of paper and then for you to upload it to Seesaw.

Have a great weekend!

Homework – 29th April

Welcome Back! | Pears Family School

Good Evening Class 1,

I hope I find you well on this glorious sunny afternoon! What an amazing first week of the summer term, the children have worked extremely hard and should be rightly proud of themselves. Hopefully the class 1 newsletter has found its way to you this week with email. Just a quick reminder of two items on the newsletter; hats and sun protection. As we move through the summer term we will be spending more time outside and it is paramount that the children have a suitable hat in school to wear when we go outside. Additionally, you may wish to apply sun protection prior to school, when we are expecting particularly sunny days, as in previous years you can send sun protection into school so long as your child is able to apply it and that the container is labelled.

Homework | The SGS Academy Trust


All children have been supplied with login details for Times Tables Rockstars. Please continue to use this platform to practice your times tables. If you are unable to get logged in, please do not hesitate to speak with me and I will provide you with passwords etc.


Task 1:

Can you improve these sentences?

the unicorn ate cake

OuR class book is the Squirrells wHo squabbled

Can you improve the start of these sentences?

gold fish in the pond.

my favourite food is salmon.

Can you improve this sentence?

eye sore a gr8 big aeroplane

Challenge Task:

Can you write a short story about Bruce and Cyril?

Your writing should include:

  1. Capital letters
  2. and
  3. adjectives
  4. question marks
  5. exclamation marks
The Squirrels Who Squabbled: Amazon.co.uk: Bright, Rachel, Field, Jim:  9781408340479: Books

Submitting work: Please could you take images of your child’s writing/record videos of your child saying the sentence and upload onto Seesaw?

Have a great weekend, Mr Mallison

Homework – 1st April

Good Afternoon Class 1,

Congratulations on another fantastic week in year 1, I can’t believe that we only have one week left of the Spring term!


In your book bag you have a login for Times Tables Rock stars. Over the next week I would like you to login in and have a go at practicing your times tables. Remember children, the questions that you receive are generated by the website based upon the answers you provide and the speed of your correct answers.

Note for parents:

I have introduced the children to times table rock stars today, we have completed the initial assessment. At this initial stage I would advise that they only access garage mode. Within garage mode the website will generate suitable questions for the children to answers based upon their responses, for example the more confident they become the harder the questions will become. To begin with, the majority of the class will receive questions based around 1×10 through to 4 x10. We have spent time in school discussing multiplication, although we are in the infancy of this.


Can you improve these sentences?

the cat was on the fence

i saw a aple in the three

Can you improve the start of these sentences?

I went to the seaside.

Cardfiff in the capital of Wales

Scafell Pike is the tallest mountain in England.

Can you improve this sentence?

on Saturdai I plaid golph

Submitting work: Please could you take images of your child’s writing/record videos of your child saying the sentence and upload onto Seesaw?

Have a great weekend, Mr Mallison

Homework Friday 18th March

Good Evening Class 1.

Before letting you know what your homework is for this week, I must say a massive well done for all the hard work that you have put in this week to make science week such a huge success!


As with previous weeks we will continue with our work using the talk for write principles:

Sentences for this week:

Can you improve these sentences?

we planted some seeds

the girl walked her dog

Can you improve the start of these sentences?

we went to the beach

boy fell over

Can you improve this sentence?

Eye luv eATinG cheps!

Submitting work: Please could you take images of your child’s writing/record videos of your child saying the sentence and upload onto Seesaw?

Reading Challenge

Over the past couple of weeks I have really enjoyed watching children read at home. I would be super pleased to see more examples of you all reading at home uploaded onto Seesaw.



For your maths homework for this week, I would really like you to have a go at this really cool game! You will need an adult to set it up for you.

Notes for adults; select no higher than up to 20 on the range and choose a starting point that your child feels comfortable with. If it’s too easy come out of the game and add more challenge, if too hard come out of the game and remove challenge.

To access the game copy the link above and paste into a new web browser.

Have a great weekend, Mr Mallison

Science and Maths: Seed Planting

The children are very excited to get started on planting their sunflower seeds.

This year for science week our theme is growth. Therefore the children will be measuring growth by growing sunflowers (although we are aware that it’s going to take a few weeks), we will observing them closely using our Science and Maths skills.

We are starting our seeds off in small pots covered by cling film. Once the sunflowers seedlings are big enough they will spend a few hours outside each day. Next, when the sunflowers have got used to the outside temperature and all chances of over night frost have passed we will plant the sunflowers in the bee garden.

Homework Friday 4th March

Good Evening Class 1,

This week for our homework, we are going to have another go at our talk for writing.

Just as a recap, here is the process to go through:

Sentences for this week:

Can you improve these sentences?

Three little pigs built a wall.

Jacob played on his motorbike

Can you improve the start of these sentences?

I went to the cafe.

The queen rode in a carriage

Can you improve this sentence?

On satrudya I plaid gollf wiv me frienDS.

Submitting work: Please could you take images of your child’s writing/record videos of your child saying the sentence and upload onto Seesaw?

Reading Challenge

Over the past couple of weeks I have really enjoyed watching children read at home. I would be super pleased to see more examples of you all reading at home uploaded onto Seesaw.


I have set you a 2Do to complete on Purple Mash linked to number bonds, I would like you to visit the Dino World Island if you are feeling brave enough!

You may wish to visit the Myth Valley.

For now I’d stay away from Robot City as it might be a little too tricky.

Have a great weekend!

Homework 11th February

Good Morning Class 1,

This week for our homework, we are going to try something a little bit different. Yesterday, I was on an English course in the afternoon and as part of the course we looked at; Talk for Writing. I thought that this could be something that we could have a go at!

Notes for Parents:

What is talk for write?

Brief summary: Writing improves when children have an opportunity to talk about it. They have the chance to collect vocabulary, rehearse the structure of sentences and refine ideas before they start the writing process.

For homework this week I will provide the children with a sentence and then ask them to improve part of it. For example:

Task: Can you improve the opening of this sentence?

I went to Tesco.

Example answer:

On Saturday, I went to Tesco.

I was very hungry so I went to do the shopping at Tesco.

We needed some party treats, so I went to Tesco.

To complete the activity the children should go through the following stages:

For example, if you read the starting sentence to the children and allow them think about how they could improve the sentence. Next. ask them to say the sentence to you and see if the sentence makes sense. Repeat the child’s sentence back to the child and then ask them to repeat it back to you. The child should then write the sentence down, encourage the child to read the sentence back to you as it appears on the page. You should then read the sentence and ask the child if it makes sense and if it could be improved. After the child has improved the sentence, one final check should take place.

I hope this all makes sense!

As well as sending out Talk for write activities as part of homework we will also be completing similar activities in school.

Submitting work: Please could you take images of your child’s writing/record videos of your child saying the sentence and upload onto Seesaw?

Sentences for this week:

Can you improve this sentence?

Jack made a cake.

Can you improve the start of this sentence?

I went to the beach

Can you improve this sentence?

I wnet to eth shpo for sum cakes.


On Purplemash I have set the children a spelling game to complete. To complete the activity, I would read through the word with your child, sound it out and then let them have a go at spelling the word.

Reading Challenge

Miss Northen has set us the challenge of beating Class 2 with our number of reads over the course of the coming week. Therefore Class 1, it is really, really important that we log down all of our reading in our home reading logs. This past week in Class 2 a child managed to read an amazing 4 times, but I think we can beat that easily!

I’ve also been looking at Class 2’s Seesaw account and noticed that some of the children have been uploading videos of themselves reading with an adult at home, Miss Northen and I, would love to see the children in Class 1 also enjoying their reading at home. Therefore, if you would like to you could upload examples of you reading at home to Seesaw.