Monday 11th January

I want to start by saying a big well done to you all! You have all had a brilliant start to your home learning. I can see how hard you have all been working and sharing it all on Seesaw. Let’s have another great week this week and remember to keep having fun!

If you don’t remember your log on for epic reading I can resend it via email.

Here is a snapshot of Friday’s fantastic work!

Today’s tasks!!


Split digraph.

Write out these sentences and fill in the correct missing word using the selection given.

Practice reading the sentences.


I have set a 2do on Purplemash to practice spelling some compound words, 2 words that go together to make a new word e.g. football and farmyard

You will also get a spelling booklet with your maths pack, you can work on this over the next few weeks and move through it as quickly or slowly as you need to. If you need more practice of words with a specific sound then do this before moving on!


We are going to start some new work today which will take us over the next 2 weeks

The pictures below are all from a story.

The pictures from the story have got a bit jumbled up. Can you put them in the order you think they might go in to tell a story?

Who are the characters in the story?

You can choose now whether you:

  1. Have a go at writing what you think the story is or
  2. Write a sentence to go with each picture describing what you think is happening

Don’t worry about having the pictures printed out, I have assigned this activity on Seesaw so you can number the photographs directly on to the given template or just write a little note for each one to help you remember, e.g. Sitting, photograph, shelves, park as you order them.

Extra activity for this week!

I thought this was a fun activity you could try at some point this week.

Make a hot air balloon!


On Purple Mash, in your 2DOs, you will find a talking book which will allow you to access the counting part of the lesson in a more interactive way.

On the interactive lesson I am going to keep between 1-20 today until you get your 100 square, but you can use bigger numbers if you are more confident.

Counting – Practise counting forwards and backwards from any number to 20. It is easier if the children are given a few numbers to help them sequence before giving them just 1. For example, if you want them to count on from 15 start by saying 13, 14, 15,… before going straight to ‘Count on from 15?’

When you only get 1 number it can be a little trickier, but we can do things to help us out. If I didn’t know what number came after 12, I could start counting from 1 to help me out. However you can do it in a quicker way. Now I know you can all count to 10, so instead of starting from 1 we can start by counting from 10. 

10, 11, 12, 13.

What numbers come after 15 18 14? Practise counting up from 10 to help you work out the answer or to check if you were right.

Practical – Have 20 objects (Pasta, Cheerios, small toys..) ready. Grab a handful to make a pile of objects. Try to have an amount between 10 – 20.

Can you estimate how many there are?

Place the objects in a ten frame to help count the objects. Encourage your child to start counting from 10 rather than count each individual object once they are in the frame.

Have several turns using different amounts of objects.

Task – Practise counting on from 10 to answer the questions. I have put the task as an activity on Seesaw but you can also download the activity below.


Historians ask all kinds of questions to help them learn more about the past. They look at different artefacts and talk to lots of different people.

Our history unit this term is ‘The history of flight’. I would like you to think about what you would like to find out more about or tell us what you know already.

I know that some people used to make wings and flap their arms to try and fly, but I wonder if anyone managed to get off the ground for more than a minute?

Here are a few more photographs to help you with ideas. Please continue to share your work/ideas through Seesaw or the Class 1 email.

Friday 8th January

Wow! What a super day you had yesterday! Well done on all your hard work, below is a snapshot of what you got up to!

You wrote some fantastic instructions for building different models! Have a go at following someone else’s instructions to build something new.

Friday’s tasks!


Practice your a-e split digraphs using this game:

Click on each letter in order to make the words listed on the left hand side.


If I could fly….

What do you think it would be like if you could fly?

Today I want you to do some writing for me starting with, If I could fly…….

Think about some of these questions to help add lots of detail to your work:

How would you fly? Would you have wings or a flying machine?

What would it feel like?

Where would you go and what would you see?

Remember to write in clear sentences, use finger spaces and add lots of detail! I can’t wait to read them.

After you have done your writing, can you draw a picture to go with it? It could be of you in your wings or your flying machine or what you see when you are flying!

Story time!

Here is a story for you to enjoy!


Today we are going to be looking at quarter, half and three quarter turns. I will give you a few ideas to get you started, but as usual you can always come up with your own activities too.

When we turn we can turn clockwise, which is the same way a clock hand moves, or anti-clockwise. If you put an object in front of you and turn it clockwise you will turn it to your right.

Get an object and practise turning it quarter, half and three quarter turns clockwise.

You can stand still and a family member can tell you to turn quarter, half and three quarter turn clockwise too.

You can also draw or cut out 2 of the same images and practise sticking them down according to the turn you are given like the image below.

On Seesaw I have also set you a simple task. It is the first time I have had a go at this, as I am learning just like you, so fingers crossed it all works ok!! (Mrs Plant)


In Music we like to listen to different songs to appraise them. Choose one of your favourite songs and answer the following questions.

Why do you like the song?

What instruments can you hear?

What is the style of music? – rap, blues, pop, gospel etc.

How is the song put together? Does it have a chorus? Does it have an instrumental?

Now have a go at creating your own piece of music using 2Beat on Purple Mash. Click on 8.1.2021 My Music in your 2DOs. I look forward to hearing what you create.

Thursday 7th January

Wow! Class 1, what a great start to your home learning! Here are some of the things you did yesterday!

Celebrating With Our Clients
An amazing start to our work on the artist Christopher Corr
I really enjoyed reading your letters about what you did over Christmas.


Today we are going to look at the split digraph a-e

Watch this video and read the words, if you want to challenge yourself more, turn the sound off and do it by yourself!

Now you know lots of a-e sounds, I want you to pick 5 of these sounds and put them into a sentence. Remember to start with a capital letter and end with a full stop!

Have a go at this game on phonics bloom. Start with a-e words then you could challenge yourself with other split digraph sounds.


This sentence is very clever as it includes every letter from the alphabet.

Why don’t you check and see if it does? Write out the sentence then slowly say the alphabet, as you get to each letter, cross it out in the sentence. Is every letter in the alphabet in the sentence?

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Now I want you to do some handwriting practice with this sentence. Write it out as many times as you need to as neatly as you can, forming every letter correctly!

The Quick Brown Fox #2

Lego fun!

I know how many of you love Lego and building and creating so many wonderful things so I thought you might like to watch this:

Now I want you to have a go at building something using lego or duplo or any other sorts of building toys you have!

Don’t worry if you don’t have lego, just make something with what you have or even draw a picture step by step.

As you are building it I want you to take your time and think about each step you are doing.

Write each step down as you build as if you were giving someone else the instructions to make your model. Think about the Maths you did yesterday using positional language.

You could take a photo of each step as you go to help remind yourself of each step.

DIY Lego Instructions - Home - Homegrown Learners | Lego instructions, Lego  instruction books, Lego craft
Building Bricks Useful Instruction Words Mat (teacher made)

Once you have completed your instructions I will share them on here so we can have a go at making each other’s!

I started writing my instructions for making a lego house but I haven’t finished them yet!

As an extra challenge, can you help me finish my instructions to build the house?

Watch this video to help you!

Here is a 30 day lego challenge that might be fun for you to do over the next few weeks:

Image preview


We can use the words forwards, backwards, left and right to give instructions to make something or someone move. Can you think of an activity to help you practise using/following these instructions?

Below are a couple of ideas to get you started.

Draw/print your own grid and practise writing/following instructions to get to different places.

You could even create your own 3D grid.

Can you get to the beach without getting caught by the alien?

Make an obstacle course. Can you guide someone around it?


This term we would be looking at coding. Click on the link below to watch a video to introduce coding.

You use code to tell a computer what to do. Before you write code you need an algorithm.

An algorithm is a list of rules to follow in order to solve a problem.

Algorithms need to have their steps in the right order. Think about an algorithm for getting dressed in the morning. What if you put on your coat before your jumper? Your jumper would be on top of your coat and that would be silly! When you write an algorithm the order of the instructions is very important.

Watch the video below to find out more.

Here are my steps for running a bath.

Put the plug in.

Turn the mixer tap on.

Fill the bath to half way.

Turn the mixer tap off.

Get in.

Copy out the steps onto separate pieces of paper. Can you put them in the correct order again? Put them in the wrong order and discuss what would happen? Take a step away. What would happen? Do you think I have included all the steps?

Now have a go at the Coding activity in your 2DOs on Purple Mash. Click on the videos as they will help you as you go along.

Wednesday 6th January


We would love to hear all about your Christmas!

Write us a letter telling us about your Christmas.

Think about:

What you did,

What presents you got,

What you ate,

Who you were with,

Where did you go,

What your naughty elves got up to!

We can’t wait to read about everything you did and all your new presents! Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


This term we are looking at the Artist Christopher Corr. We will be exploring his work and his use of bold bright colours.

Have a look at some of his pictures on the different pages of his website:

Which is your favourite image and why?

What is the picture of? What is happening?

What makes the picture stand out to you?

Is there anything you don’t like about it?

How do you think this picture was created? Was it painted, drawn or collaged?

Now have a go at recreating your favourite image. You could draw it or paint it just remember to use bright colours!


From next week we will begin a more structured sequence of Mathematics activities. These will include daily counting, practical activities and recorded written work. For this we have made a home learning resource pack for each child. This includes a 100 square, number lines, number fans, base 10 equipment and dice. We will contact you tomorrow with arrangements for collection.

This week we will be focusing on positional language activities as it will help with Coding in Computing.

So today we would like to start you off with this image to spark your mathematical imagination.

Can you come up with an activity to help you practise describing where things are?

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Hide and seek – Choose an object from your house to hide. Finder tells the hider where they must hide it. – ‘Can you hide it under something?’ Give the finder clues using positional language if needed.

Can you find it? – Create/draw your own find it picture. Describe where the objects are found.

Position Map – Create your own map to include several objects. Can you position them in, on, next to, under, behind, in front of or between other objects? You might do a map to space and have an alien on the moon and a rocket behind a shooting star.

Where am I? – Build a structure from objects/construction toys. Use a smaller object to practise positioning it based on instructions given by another member of the family.

‘Put the Lego figure on the bridge.’

Welcome back Class 1!

Unfortunately we aren’t welcoming you back into the classroom like we would like to but we are ready for a new term of learning which will hopefully be just as fun as last term.

Daily activities will be uploaded on here for you to complete. You can complete tasks in your homework book, or take photographs or videos and upload what you have done to your Seesaw account.

Please remember what we have learnt about Internet safety and make sure you stay safe online.

This term our theme will be Up, up and away!

We would love to know what you would like to learn or find out about during this theme.

Have a think and either write it down or record yourself and upload it to your Seesaw account.

Getting to know you!!

Good morning everyone – it’s Mrs Plant. I was really excited to return to Brandesburton Primary and get to meet you all.

Unfortunately you are not in school, but I was hoping that you could share something that helps me to find out a little more about you.

You could:

* Take a photograph of you doing something you enjoy – building a lego model, baking, drawing etc.

* Draw a picture of yourself and/or write a few sentences to tell me something about yourself. (See your 2DOs if you would like to do it on Purple Mash)