Homework 3.2.22

Good Morning Class 1!

I hope you are all well?


This week we will be approaching our homework slightly differently. Inside your book bag you have a writing activity to complete:

Tips for adults at home:

It may be useful to talk through your child’s ideas first before they get started so that they are not overwhelmed. I would break the task down into the individual questions.


In addition to your English homework; I would like you to continue practicing your addition skills using the following website, simply scan the QR code with a tablet or mobile phone:

Notes for adults at home: Challenge the children to work on the red robot.

Homework 27th January

Good Afternoon Class 1!

I hope you are all well!

This week for your homework, you will need to log onto Purple Mash (if you struggle to get on, please let me know and I will show you at school and send home your login details again).

I have set you 3 maths games to have a go at; that all link to the work that we have completed this week in school. Also, I have set you a phonics activity.

You might want to show your adult at home the work that we have been doing in our IT lessons to, maybe teach your adults how to code 🙂

As always you have until next Wednesday to submit your work.

Thank you,

Mr Mallison


Good Evening Parents/Carers,

I just wanted to let you know how well the children are getting on with Coding in their IT lessons. The children are become very established IT experts. You mat wish to ask the children to show you what they can do on PurpleMash.

I have added a 2Do for the children to complete should they wish to show you what they can do.

Edit 18:11 on 26.1.22

Please note the 2Do is not compulsory and is separate to the usual homework. It is optional.

Keep up the amazing work class 1!

Homework 20.1.22

Good Morning Class 1!

I hope you are all well?


This week we will be approaching our homework slightly differently. Inside your book bag you have a writing activity to complete:

Tips for adults at home:

It may be useful to talk through your child’s ideas first before they get started so that they are not overwhelmed.

Also you may wish to jot down some ideas with your child, a mini-story map; Build-up, event, resolution. e.g:

A child was walking to school one day with a jar of honey and they met a bear.

The bear was clinging onto a lamppost and was very hungry.

The child shared the honey with the bear.

After completing the story map, I would then spend a maximum of 20minutes writing a story.


In addition to your English homework; I would like you to continue practicing your subtraction skills using the following website, if you simply scan the QR code with a tablet or mobile phone:

Alternatively, you can use the following web link:


As always if you are unsure about your homework, please come and speak to me.

Take care Mr Mallison

Homework 13.1.2022

Good Morning Class 1.

I hope you are all very well today.

I have posted two pieces of homework onto Seesaw for you to have a go at this week, to be completed by Wednesday 19th January. If you have any questions about your homework, please come and see me.

Lastly, next week I will be popping a piece of written English homework in a homework book for you, I will still post onto the blog to highlight what homework you have as I may not issue a piece of English homework every week.

Thank you,

Mr Mallison